Let's preach peace ✌️
Peace is a great necessity in all spheres of life. Both
Animals and men needs peace to thrive in any habitat they inhabit.
Man has been in WANT of peace instead of to being in NEED of PEACE...
We humans often look for peace in the external environment, knowing not that it's a little fire that burns inside our hearts.
Let's Share this fire with your neighbours and peace will be in abundance.
If we keep servicing the society first instead of ourselves, peace will remain a case of "ma onye chọ"(if you want).
Selfish minds parading as great minds gather once in a while and serve us coated speeches on peace in peace conference... "still otu abụ n'ezi".
We preach peace yet give licence to armour, bullet, bomb etc producing Industries.
Verily, there will never be world peace if we can't find peace in the little walls of the street.
Let's anchor down on peace
And live in semi utopia 🙏
I am glad to see your smile!Dear @ezeemmanuel !
God is the best 🤣