Top 10 Most Powerful Passports in Africa

in Faces of Hive3 years ago


  1. Seychelles - Can visit 101 countries without a visa
  2. Mauritius - Can visit 92 countries without a visa
  3. South Africa - Can visit 59 countries without a visa
  4. Botswana - Can visit 47 countries without a visa
  5. Eswatini - Can visit 41 countries without a visa
  6. Malawi - Can visit 40 countries without a visa
  7. Namibia - Can visit 39 countries without a visa
  8. Zambia - Can visit 36 countries without a visa
  9. Tunisia - Can visit 34 countries without a visa
  10. Morocco - Can visit 30 countries without a visa

Source: Passport Index August, 2022.


Seychelles - Can visit 101 countries without a visa
Mauritius - Can visit 92 countries without a visa

Dear @ezeemmanuel , Why did you write this article?

Seychelles and Mauritius are island nations located in ocean of east africa.

My brother,it bothers me to let you and the world know that the giant of Africa (Nigeria) is not among the 10 most powerful African countries with powerful passport. Do you get it now?

My brother,it bothers me to let you and the world know that the giant of Africa (Nigeria) is not among the 10 most powerful African countries with powerful passport. Do you get it now?

I understand! With a population of over 200 million, Nigeria is one of the largest countries in Africa, but it is surprising that it does not make it into the top 10.
I felt you were dissatisfied with that fact.😯