Hair evolution

in Faces of Hive5 years ago

I initially wanted to write about coffee but here I am..

I like summer 2019, it was an awesome time where I got to stay at this beautiful village where the sun was just perfect. It makes my hair glowing which was that time, was shade in brown.


Then, my natural hair grows and it becomes a bit longer but no longer has strong shade of brown.


Then when quaratine hits, I dyed my hair a little with shade of brown again. I think this was the longest my hair has been. Not only that it was long, it was thick as hell which was a bit annoying so I decided to cut it.


But then, cutting gone wrong. I don't like this current hair but I need to ride this for a while.


I was quite nostalgic going to my gallery and yeah, I don't share my face that often but here I am, I guess it's like the part of " hello Elliot" from last Mr robot episode where he finally stop saying " Hello friend".

~ Mac


Hello Elliot.

I don't think too much about hair. In all honesty, in my opinion, what YOU like is what makes you look good. My actual perceptions about how a person wears their hair has very little with the attractiveness of it.

So your hair looks good when you think it does. As if that might make any sense.

About that coffee....

Yes about that coffee, I am gonna write it up next time.

Sharing your face here is infinitely better than the boring and endless holiday and food photos we normally get to see on Hive lol ;-)
Stay safe and sane friend :-) Ooops !

than the boring and endless holiday and food photos we normally get to see on Hive

Trying to fill the gaps that's missing on hive. I've got food photos now I am expanding :D but yeah, trying to be less shy, less paranoid and much normal.

Yeah, I was going through my feed and I saw your face then I was surprised when I opened your post. A bunch of faces 😂😂😂.

I just want to say that many ladies in my country will die for a hair like yours. You won't believe how true it is.

Happy Sunday to you. Have a nice day 🤗

hahahaha yeah, I mean, I am sharing my selfies here, trying to be a bit normal than I was and less paranoid.

Then welcome to world of normal 😊🤗

I like the way you cut your hair but it makes you look more mature :)

I cut it short once and I don't like having it short.

I haven't gone any shorter than my shoulders. But I should cut mine too, lol. Haven't done it since October last year!

Your home hair remedies are far superior than mine! Looking good Mac!

It's all just head n shoulders shampoo, they are good !

Ahhh! I just started trying that today so I'm expecting the "Macchiata Effect"!

hahahahaha you may expect that and also I do hair mask with makarizo every once/ week

That's interesting and it obviously works wonders for you but I think I'll leave it at just the Head and Shoulders myself 😜

You have beautiful hair. That shade of brown in the first photo really complements your skin

Yeah the weather was just beautiful there!

The most beautiful girl on Hive!! I'm in love !!

aww you're more beautiful!

I love the natural hair volume you have.

Looking good!

Realmente el cabello define gran parte de la personalidad de una persona. Sobre todo de una dama! felicidades

You have beautiful hair, like your post