Make the best of what You get

in Faces of Hive5 years ago

Do we complain too much?

As human we tend to be complaining about everything all the time. It is almost like in our nature to be unhappy with all that it comes our way. Take for example the weather, if it's hot it is too hot and if it is cold is always too cold.

Instead we should be grateful for both of them and just enjoy it whenever it comes and make the best of it.

I come from Portugal and we used to have really hot summers. Now I have been living in the UK for almost 10 years and I am always asking for hot sunny days but when they come I can't stop complaining it is too hot and that I can't take it.

But from this moment I'll celebrate no matter what is the weather and will make sure that I will make the best of it as well.

The less we complain the happier and more relaxed we will be.


Couple of days sunbathing

This Year I had the opportunity to go to the park next to my place and sunbath a couple of days? Would I have enjoyed to have more time to do it? Maybe. But I am just happy and lucky that I had the opportunity to get this two days.

Trying to be positive and appreciative of what we have in daily basis can be very motivating to keep You in track to achieve any bigger goals You might have. So even the small things in life You can't control. Appreciate them and stop complaining about it.


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As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. – John F. Kennedy

I’m also trying and practicing appreciating small things in life

For some reason our stupid human brain seems to keep forgetting about that stuff

We are complicated, but let's enjoy life, if it's hot let's take a bath, if it's cold we have a cup of hot tea. Let's just be grateful 🤗😊. Very good Blog.

so true. but that's the spirit. let's all do that

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