Creating a work - Fun Strategy

in Faces of Hive2 years ago


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As a very young boy, I grew in a localized environment, a place away from the noises and equipping features of a town. I could only see little from where I am.

Growing up , getting into the high school and setting myself up to do some jobs lead me into another aspect of life entirely.

The cycle was the same, School to work, work to school and the feeling weighed me down that most times I would gas out because I'm experiencing burnout.

Burn out from school

Burn out from work

As a young boy, I want to get good grades as a student and at the same time I wanted to feed well.

After taking between 6-8hours of the day listening to a different teachers taking turns without considering if we are cool with it, I will reach out, take a nap or sometimes a nap results into a deep sleep, depending on the stress experienced.

When I wake up, I get set to write some blog post which also takes about 3-4hours of my time depending on how easy or hard the topic is all about.

I would literarily spend 1 hour setting up blocks for my blog post, I would be on every website trying to source out information to ensure the blog post is research oriented.

After I've wasted more than 15hours of the time for the day joggling between a work that pays less and a school I don't have much in it.

I'm left with 9hours in which Church, personal reading, preparing meals will take above average of the time.

When I lay on my bed to sleep, I sleep so hard for 4hours or more and after waking up the next day, I develop severe headache.

After I got so tired, I found out that , regardless of how much work, it is important to create a fun moment for yourself so you don't experience burn out. Here are a few things to consider

1. Family time.


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Family is important, being with them allows us to see life the sweetest way possible.

In every of your busy schedule, it is important to create a time to ensure our family gets to enjoy our presence.

Family shouldn't stop you from working and neither should work stop you from family.


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  1. Personal time.

Personal time is a plan to ensure you enjoy every bit your life.

You see a movie alone, you research alone, you vibe alone, you do everything that you can afford.

We should at least make plans to have a personal entitlement of self afflicting fun moments.


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3. Friend catch-up time.

Don't miss checking up on your friends each time. Something I'm now used to is that I set time to truly
see movies with friends, play games and have funny and creative discussions.


Creating this intentions is a good way to get started with avoiding work burnout.

Take time to explore and also implement. Thank you for reading 💥


Man, it is not easy to mix work with school. I have been having this issue... making a good fun and work strategy would help balance out a lot of things and reduce being burn out. This is an awesome content by the wrong community to post into.