애플, iPhone 9 양산에 들어가.
- 애플, 어제 새로운 맥북 에어와 4세대 iPad 프로 론칭
- 이제 다음 제품 론칭은 iPhone 9 차례
- 오늘 신뢰할만한 소스인 존 프로서, 애플이 iPhone 9의 양산에 들어갔다고 말해
Now that the MacBook Air and the fourth-generation iPad Pro have been released, the next device will now be the Apple iPhone 9. Today, a report from Jon Prosser (has been reliable in the past) shows that the iPhone 9 has just entered mass production. Undoubtedly, everything on the iPhone 9 is on track, and it’s only a short walk from the release.
The Apple iPhone 9 may eventually be called iPhone SE 2. Evidence from well-known analysts Guo Minghao and iOS 14 code shows that this device will use a 4.7-inch LCD screen. It will retain the Touch ID fingerprint recognition on the front and a single-shot on the back. However, it will use the same A13 chip as the iPhone 11.
This smartphone does not support 5G, Apple is not ready for 5G for now. However, it will certainly be attractive to lovers of small screens, especially those with a small budget. Not to mention the emerging markets that Apple is struggling to explore, such as India and South America. A budget device such as this will be a good phone for these markets.
However, considering the current situation, Apple may have to release this smartphone online. According to speculations, this device will start from $399 in the US. However, it will cost 3288 yuan ($462) in China. As for the exact release time, this device will probably arrive at the end of March or April.
애플 관심없어요! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
독거느님 ㅠ,.ㅠ
저는 관심이 많아요 ㅠ,.ㅠ 살려주세요 ㅠ,.ㅠ
ㅋㅋㅋ 아마도 티월드님을 해치지 않아요!! 안심하세요^^