iOS 14 코드, 오직 iPhone 12 프로만 환경의 3D 모델 생성하는 ToF 센서 장착 보여줘
- iOS 14 코드, 코드명이 'd5x'인 새 iPhone에 대한 디테일 포함
- iPhone 11 코드명이 'd4x'인 것으로 보아 이는 새 2020년 iPhone 라인업임
- 새 모델 중 오직 2개만 ToF 센서 내장
- ToF 센서가 내장된 두 모델, iPhone 12 프로와 iPhone 12 프로 맥스인 것으로 보여
- 새로운 카메라 셋업은 ToF 3D 센서, 광각 렌즈, 초광각 렌즈, 망원 렌즈 포함
- ToF 센서, 새로운 증강현실 기능 제공
- 9to5Mac, 이미 애플이 iOS 14 용 새로운 AR 앱 개발 중인 것 보도
9to5Mac has already confirmed Apple is working on a new iPad Pro with a time-of-flight sensor. We have now discovered evidence based on the iOS 14 code that corroborates the existence of new iPhones models, presumably from the iPhone 12 line-up, with the same sensor in the rear camera.
- iOS 14 code seen by 9to5Mac includes details about new iPhones with the codename “d5x”
- These are probably the new 2020 iPhones, as the iPhone 11 line-up is identified by “d4x”
- Only two of these new models are listed with a built-in time-of-flight sensor
- This leads us believe we’re talking about the iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max
The new camera setup will likely include a time-of-flight 3D sensor, a wide-angle lens, an ultra-wide lens, and a telephoto lens. The time-of-flight sensor will lend itself to new augmented reality features. 9to5Mac reported that Apple is developing a new augmented reality application for iOS 14. The app will allow users to get more information about world around them via AR.

The time-of-flight sensor will feature an infrared projector, similar to the front-facing TrueDepth camera present in iPhone X and newer models. That enables the iPhone to capture point clouds from the environment so it can generate 3D models based on them. One of the purposes of the ToF sensor that we can confirm is related with the Measure app, which will be able to make accurate distance and measurement calculations on these devices.

Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said back in 2019 that two of the new iPhones introduced in 2020 would have the time-of-flight sensor in the rear camera.
As we’re talking about new iPhones, 9to5Mac has also discovered that the new iPhone 9 will have a single lens rear camera that supports stereo sound video recording — a feature that was introduced with the iPhone XS in 2018.
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