The world was in agony, it was getting worse and worse, the glaciers were melting, the rivers were drying up, the heat in some places was unbearable and in others the cold, snowfalls, rains and floods were devastating, the scientists came to the conclusion that one of the things that was affecting the earth was the excess in the use of electric energy, especially due to the amount of light bulbs used in the cities.
The population was already suffering, so the world united and all the rulers took certain measures that were applied to all nations and one of them was to declare electricity illegal, at the beginning we were all furious, because many equipment would become part of a museum, cell phones, refrigerators, microwaves, computers, electric kitchens, light bulbs, coffee makers, among many others.
I was in shock, I always believed that we should change some habits so as not to continue affecting the planet, but that seemed so radical, I felt that we were facing an involution, but after much thought I came to the conclusion that it was very likely that the deterioration of our beloved and polluted planet was so advanced that we had to take a big turn to try to stop or at least delay the impending disaster.
We went back to the candles, to the kerosene lamps, but in my case there was something that worried me and at the same time bothered me, to prepare the coffee, for me it was so practical to add water and coffee grounds to the coffee pot and after a few minutes just go to serve, I did not see myself preparing coffee like my grandmother, but I would have to do it.
At home fortunately we had a gas stove and it was not necessary to invest in acquiring a new one, I looked through the things I had stored and took out the cloth strainer, a small metal jug and I got down to work and while I was doing it I remembered the day my grandmother taught me how to prepare coffee.
I took a medium pot, added the water and put it to boil, while I was waiting I took the small metal jug, placed the cloth strainer in it and there I added three measures of coffee and waited patiently until the water boiled.
While I was cleaning the kitchen a little, I seemed to see my grandmother happy in the living room waiting to brew the coffee, I was filled with nostalgia, so while I remembered the water boiled, I took the pot and added the water little by little and felt how the rich smell of coffee came out of the jug and while doing all this I also remembered how my dear grandmother savored it and how she never stopped at any obstacle to prepare coffee, if she had a coffee pot or not, that did not stop her, so I said to myself:
-Even if I don't have electricity, coffee in this house will not be lacking.
Since that day I get up every morning and follow step by step my grandmother's instructions to prepare coffee, my family and I enjoy it happily when we taste it.
To conclude, this is my partition in the STB #56 wishing with all my heart that all of you can prepare your delicious coffee with or without electricity, a hug, I say goodbye, thanking you for taking a few minutes of your time to read this publication.

I loved reading you, and it was not at all difficult to transport me to your story. In general, I think that there are things that should be kept in space-time, like our dear grandmother's coffee. That coffee that only they knew how to prepare and fill the home with its aroma in the morning. That was undoubtedly the best alarm that could exist. Waking up with the soft aroma of coffee saying good morning. That my dear friend, there will be no technology that will surpass it. A super strong hug from afar.
Thank you for such a nice comment and yes the smell of those things that seemed pleasant to us during our childhood become memories that we keep forever.
This was a great read, your grandmother left you a beautiful legacy and I think we can go extra mile to brew coffee if we truly love coffee.
Of course we can make the effort to stop it that way when there was no electricity they already drank coffee and in the countryside where they don't have access to some services they prepare it that way.
Sometimes, I fear that the world might reach a delicate one day because everything you have stated about harming the earth is true.
A world without electricity will be a world in chaos, I can't imagine that happening. You have other means to prepare your coffee and that's quite impressive.
Nothing comes between a coffee lover and coffee.
That's right, if there is a way to stop something we love, in this case coffee, we make an extra effort and with time we don't even notice that the thing has changed.
There's wisdom, logic, and practicality in the olden methods of doing so many things, and making coffee with the cloth was actually genius in my opinion. So much so, that the method is still prevalent today:)

Here in Venezuela many families still use this method, since they consider that coffee changes its flavor when it is brewed in a coffee pot and they prefer to brew it in a cloth.
Just like how my grandmother prepared her coffee, she hated electric coffee makers haha. Or of course at home we also have our cloth strainer, some afternoons we honor grandmother and cook this mother's coffee. Good post, greetings friend.
Preparing coffee in this way brought back many memories of my grandmother who was a true coffee lover, and as I pointed out in another comment, there are those who say that the coffee brewer coffee is richer, they like it better than the one prepared with a coffee pot.