in Cinnamon Cup Coffee11 months ago (edited)

Presentación De Amor Para Pedir Noviazgo Creativa Rosa.png

Greetings coffee lovers! Since I discovered this community, I felt like posting something since one of my hobbies is to visit notable cafes in the city of Buenos Aires (where I currently live), on Saturday I was going to do some errands in the company of my mom and my daughter in the neighborhood of Caballito, when I see this beautiful cafe and I could not resist to enter and have a snack. Cafe and Deli P.

The first thing that caught my attention was the PINK of this place, and as pink is my favorite color, I couldn't help myself even though I didn't go out with the intention of spending money haha the vintage style decoration made me fall in love, we chose a table at the entrance of the cafe and as you can see the furniture was in pink tones very much in line with the rest of the place. The cleanliness, the order and the feeling of being in a calm place I can't describe it. I felt like I was in my living room at home in Venezuela. If there is something I should mention is that in Argentina you can't get good coffee, at least not according to my tastes, I think that's one of the things I miss the most about my country.

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The waiter brought us the menu and everything looked divine, my mom and I ordered a latte and as soon as my daughter saw the rainbow cake on the counter she went crazy, so that was our order.

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The coffee was delicious and in the heat of a good conversation with my mother, it tasted even better. As for the portion (better said, MEGA PORTION) of rainbow cake, this is basically a vanilla sponge cake colored with food coloring, but it was very rich, very moist and the cream was well aerated. As you can see, the portion is huge, from there we snacked the 3 of us!

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If you are in the Caballito neighborhood, be sure to come! Thank you very much for reading my publication!

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Saludos amantes del Cafe!! Desde que descubrí esta comunidad, sentí muchas ganas de postear algo ya que uno de mis pasatiempos es visitar cafes notables en la ciudad de Buenos Aires (donde vivo actualmente), el día sábado iba a hacer algunas diligencias en compañía de mi mamá y de mi hija por el barrio de Caballito, cuando veo esta hermosura de cafeteria y no pude resistirme a entrar y merendar algo. Cafe y Deli P.
Lo primero que capturó mi atención fue LO ROSADO de este lugar, y como el rosa es mi color favorito, no pude contenerme a pesar de que no salí con la intención de gastar dinero jaja la decoración estilo vintage me enamoró por completo, elegimos una mesa en la entrada del cafe y como se puede apreciar la mueblería era en tonos rosa muy acorde al resto del lugar. La limpieza, el orden y la sensación de estar en un lugar calmo no puedo describirla. Me sentí como si estuviera en la sala de mi casa en Venezuela. Si algo debo añadir es que en Argentina no se consigue buen café, al menos no de acuerdo a mis gustos, creo que eso es una de las cosas que mas extraño de mi país.
El mozo nos acerca el menu y todo lucía divino, mi mamá y yo pedimos un cafe latte y mi hija tan pronto vio en el mostrador la torta arcoiris se volvió loca, así que esa fue nuestra orden.
El café estaba delicioso y al calor de una buena conversación con mi señora madre, me supo mejor. En cuanto a la porción (mejor dicho, MEGA PORCION) de torta arcoiris, esta básicamente es un bizcocho de vainilla coloreado con colorantes de alimentos, pero estaba muy rica, muy húmeda y la crema bien aireada. Como se puede apreciar, la porción es enorme, de ahí merendamos las 3!
Cafe y Deli P cuenta con un precioso patio abierto, también decorado en tonos rosa vintage y con la misma decoración que el interior, sin embargo no nos sentamos acá afuera porque había un poco de frío, pero espero volver y disfrutar de mi rico cafe sentada acá afuera.
Si están por el Barrio Caballito, no dejen de venir! Muchas gracias por leer mi publicación!
Todas las fotografias en esta publicación son de mi propiedad.
Portada elaborada con CANVA

All photographs in this publication are my property.
Cover elaborated with CANVA

 11 months ago  

The girly charm of this place is adorable! How cool that you found a shop that is decorated in your favorite color. Both the coffee and cake look delicious! Your daughter appears about the same age as mine- I know my girl would go nuts if she saw that cake too! haha

Thanks for sharing ☕️

Its a beautiful place to drink some coffee and have some conversation with someone you love 😉 thanks for reading me.

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[Eng-Esp]I certainly agree with you, I have had a lot of coffee in Brazil and Colombia, they will never be comparable with those in Venezuela, I now have to consume coffee in the place you indicate, in Argentina to see if the same thing as your statement happens to me, because in Venezuela not only consumption, coffee cultivation is also very good, as is the case of Caripe del Guácharo in the state of Monagas and in the Venezuelan Andes, where the coffee is very good. In any case, drinking a good and tasty coffee will always be to our liking worldwide.

Ciertamente coincido contigo, he tomado muchos café en Brazil y Colombia, nunca serán comparables con los de Venezuela, me toca ahora consumir café en el lugar que indicas, en Argentina a ver si me ocurre lo mismo que tu afirmación, pues en Venezuela no solo el consumo, también es muy bueno el cultivo del café, como es el caso de Caripe del Guácharo en el estado Monagas y en los Andes Venezolanos, donde el café es muy bueno. En todo caso beber un buen y sabroso café siempre será de nuestro agrado a nivel mundial.

 11 months ago  

You must have been in heaven to see all that pink. I'm not a lover of pink, but there's no denying that this shop is absolutely lovely.
I love the theme 😍
An official welcome to the community, and I'll see you around:)

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Thank you so much! Yes, that place was like heaven to me 😍😍 ...

Thank you for reading me.

 11 months ago  

You're very welcome!

Thank you so much my dear. 🥰

The pink place is very pretty and the decoration gives a feeling of home and moments of cordiality with the ones we love. Very nice experience with the family, thanks for sharing.☕

Good day.

Thank you for reading me !! 😘

I would also get excited with that rainbow cake! the place is very cute, the pink color gives it that particular touch plus that beautiful swing, very nice cafe and without a doubt an incredible place to visit, here in Lima Peru there are so similar, I always want to enter.

OMG is really pink. I mean really pink. Would be the first choice among girls too