That is a special relationship with your uncle. I had a couple of uncles that I was close to as well. They were pretty cool.
@wwwiebe has some great coffee and time for me to order more.
As you like to say Wes, it is good to see your words.
That is a special relationship with your uncle. I had a couple of uncles that I was close to as well. They were pretty cool.
@wwwiebe has some great coffee and time for me to order more.
As you like to say Wes, it is good to see your words.
The new share balances will be effective in the upcoming prize pool draws from now on, forever and ever...
DrawMatic shares last a lifetime!
The more shares you own, the higher your chance of winning in each and every upcoming draw! 😎
Thanks man! Appreciate the kind words!
NO problem. The Dark Roast Reaper just arrived and it is great.