Environment of the shop is absolutely fantastic. The girl who drank the coffee is pretty too 🤣
Butter coffee is NOT my thing. Same like you, I find it overpowered the coffee. I mean I don't mind the extra oil if I dip my butter toast bread into the coffee and the oil sip into the coffee, but putting a chunk of butter into the coffee simply covered it's aroma.
However, as far as I can understand why butter coffee came to mainstream coffee menu, it was due to the extra "buttery smooth" that old school butter roast coffee bean is supposed to give the extra oily texture. The newer generation uses an extra piece of butter to dump into the coffee to emulate such old school taste.
Hmm buttered toast yummy! But coffee, not really ehehe. Yeah same like you.
I just searching on the internet, hm quite popular thing. But I wonder, how about the other type of butter, maybe change the result? Dunno