
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I got my sentence wrong I'm sorry kkkkkkkkkkkk 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I wanted to say that even though coffee is famous for helping us wake up and ward off sleep, sometimes I drink it at night and manage to sleep normally, like a baby lol

now I expressed myself better lol


So I’m still the only one Coffee sends to sleep then🫠

I do wonder how it keeps people awake. It’s the exact opposite for me which is why it’s relaxing to me. Lol.

Please. Express yourself in anyway you can 😂

I believe that NASA has to study you then, because the coffee that makes you sleepy is new to me kkkk, it must be something in your metabolism, right? lol 😂

I guess so. I mean it literally knocks me out. But it still helps me for about one hour before I’m knocked and that’s always plenty of time to do any task I have. Especially what I take it for; writing.

If NASA should study me, coffee being a sedative would be the least of their worries 😂

kkkkkk it would be interesting, you could get rich like the inventor of the coffee sedative, have a coffee and roll over in bed kkkk, it would sell like water in the desert haha 😄😄

That is actually not a bad idea. What if there is a coffee sedative? I know most people would prefer that to deal with insomnia. Good Morning...😊

It sure would be a revolution. Have you ever thought about stopping taking bad or difficult to swallow medications and switching to a really tasty coffee that makes you sleep after a while haha, that would be perfect!