Hi Camille, how are you guys doing? Same 🙌, I enjoyed browsing and choosing the perfect card to send inside bookstores, even when I didn't have to buy anything it was fun reading them. Designing and writing cards would have been an awesome job back in the 80s and 90s. I admired the creators of those cards, splashing their witty lines, humor, sometimes cheesy, some really artistic.
I'm there with you, with the lifestyle change, I understand the practical views, so instead of writing him another card for Valentine's, better do it on the Hive lol. Less clutter and paperless haha.
Speaking of the cards, yes they survived 😀 The sentimental balikbayan-sized box with photo albums and love letters, and scrapbooks made by the family were the first items we searched for when we reached the flooded storage after the typhoon. There were also old recorded videos there that needed digitizing.
You strike me as someone on the borderline of thinking and feeling. Thank you and happy Thursday! 😀
Hey Arni, we're ok, cruising along slowly:)
That was some stroke of luck 🙏😍
Happy Thursday to you too:)