Hey!, my dear coffee friends, here we come back with a new post, this time I bring you a little recipe, what recipe I'm talking about you may ask? Or simply what will be this new preparation that I bring you, well friends it is very simple, today we will be preparing coffee, with powdered peanut butter and a couple of Maria cookies, very easy to prepare and with easy to get ingredients.
✓ one cup of black coffee
✓1 to 2 tablespoons of powdered peanut butter
✓2 small packages of Maria cookie.

Step 1
In the first instance we will take our blender, having it connected and ready to blend, we will take our cup of coffee and pour it in this, continuously we will take our powdered peanut butter sachet and a spoon, little by little we will fill the spoon twice with this ingredient and pour it in the blender next to our coffee. Once we have the ingredients in our blender we proceed to blend them until they are mixed in the best way.

Step 2.
After having our ingredients well mixed we will take a cup and pour our coffee, little by little so as not to spill a single drop, having already our drink in the cup we take our two small packets of Maria and uncover it in order to crush the cookies into small pieces to dip them in the coffee, thus finalizing our recipe of the day.

And it was time to taste this delicious coffee and as expected my friends one more recipe and one more delight that was enjoyed, the truth that this combination of coffee with peanut butter powder and cookie is more delicious than I imagine I recommend you to prepare it and without more to say my friends I say goodbye while I enjoy this delicious coffee. I hope this content has been to your liking, see you soon and take it minimi!

Happy for your visit
Images taken my tecno Spark 10C
Use of the Deepl translator to translate texts into English

Hey! Que tal mis queridos amigos del café, aquí volvemos con un nuevo post, en esta ocasión les traigo una pequeña receta, de que receta hablo se preguntaran? O simplemente que sera esta nueva preparación que les traigo, bueno amigos es muy sencillo, el dia de hoy estaremos preparando café, con mantequilla de mani en polvo y un par de galletas María, muy facil de preparar y con ingredientes faciles de conseguir.
✓ una taza de cafe negro
✓1 o 2 cucharadas de mantequilla de mani en polvo
✓2 paquetes pequeños de galleta María

✓Paso 1
En primera instancia tomaremos nuestra licuadora, teniendola conectada y lista para batir, tomaremos nuestra taza de cafe y la vertiremos en esta, continuamente tomaremos nuestro sobre de mantequilla de maní en polvo y una cuchara, poco a poco llenaremos la cuchara dos veces con este ingrediente y la vertiremos en la licuadora junto a nuestro café. Al tener los ingredientes en nuestra licuadora procedemos a licuarlos hasta que se mezclen de la mejor manera

✓Paso 2
Luego de tener nuestros ingredientes bien mezclados tomaremos una taza y vertiremos nuestro café, poco a poco para no derramar ni una sola gota, teniendo ya nuestro bebida en la taza tomamos nuestros dos paquetes pequeños de María y lo destapamos para asi triturar las galletas en trozos pequeños para sumergirlas en el cafe, finalizando asi nuestra receta del dia.

Y llego la hora de degustar este delicioso cafe y como se esperaba mis amigos una receta más y una delicia más que fue disfrutada, la verdad que esta combinación de café, con mantequilla de mani en polvo y galleta es más deliciosa de lo que me imagine les recomiendo prepararla y sin más que decir mis amigos me despido mientras me disfruto este delicioso cafe. Espero este contenido haya sido de su agrado, nos vemos pronto y ¡Llevatelo minimi!

Feliz por su Visita
Imágenes tomadas con mi tecno Spark 10 C
Uso de el Deepl traductor para traducir textos al ingles
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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗
Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.
Greetings to all, thank you very much for your support, I have done so by commenting and voting. Maybe not very often, but I'm back.
Ummmm that sounds interesting, the mixture of Peanut Butter, with Coffee and cookie, any time now I'm going to try it!
Hi friend, I'm glad you liked it, you really should try it and then let me know how you like it. Regards
Wow , te confieso que no había oído de esta receta, me motiva a probar. Saludos y gracias por esta original receta.☕👍
Wow, I confess I had not heard of this recipe, it motivates me to try. Greetings and thank you for this original recipe☕👍
Hahaha. Well, it was a combination that came to my head by magic and the truth is that it was very delicious, I recommend you to try it, my friend. Cheers!
I'm not sure if I can find powdered peanut butter at our supermarkets here 😅 I would love to try this recipe as it spund very interesting to me but I guess I just appreciate this post for now.
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