Observing the fast of Ramadan in abroad and not gathering with family is very difficult. Because I have to go through My Iftar and break my fast alone. Ussually the moment of breaking the fast will be special if it is celebrated with my beloved family with a variety of menu dishes cooked by mom:).
This is my 11th year, I have Ramadan in Taiwan, there are many impressions that I went through by having to go through worship alone. With a simple menu. However, from all the available menus, I don't forget to brew coffee and enjoy it with traditional food, which I made myself, it called Klepon.
While enjoying coffee and klepon alone brings me together with my family, klepon is a typical Indonesian snack that is sold in traditional markets. My mother often buys us when we go to the market.
Moreover, this is my favorite food, which is made of sweet potato, which is then mixed with glutinous rice flour, and filled with brown sugar. My dad also like this food. He always enjoys it with a cup of black coffee in the morning.
In Taiwan, it's not easy to get klepon, only Toko Indonesia sells it. And I can't go out every day to buy this food. Because I only found it when I visited Taipei city. So the alternative that I do is make my own. I bought the ingredients on holiday from an Indonesian shop.
For coffee, I still use black coffee no sugar. Because this type of coffee has become my favorite since I reduced sugar to start a healthy life. I am one of those people who cannot run out of coffee at home, because I will panic when there is no coffee 😄. So that you always have stock, so whenever you want to brew coffee, you just need to pour hot water.
Coffee is bitter, it taught me how is difficult life. Today I can only enjoy a cup of black coffee and klepon alone here. However, I believe, in the next future I will gather together with my family, enjoying the warmth of the morning in the countryside, while listening to the chirping of birds and the sound of roosters crowing in the morning.
That's all my story #AboutCoffee☕andKlepon. Thanks for reading and stopping. I am very happy to be able to share my experince life as an Indonesian in Taiwan. See you in the next post. May we all always be given health and prosperity always.
Best Regards
About Author
Welcome to Etty's Small Corner Hive Blog. She is an Indonesian who currently working and studying in Taiwan. Writing is her passion and managed to carve the achievement. Her writings that won in Taiwan Literature Award for Migrants (TLAM) 2017 with the title “RED” adopted to Movie and displayed on Taiwan TV by 2020.
She won an essay competition race with the theme of education at the Indonesian economic trade office, Taipei in 2019. and won two awards and two trophies in TLAM 2020. The first champion of the Essai migrant workers of Taiwan by 2021. Her solo book was published in 2015. She is also a writer in an Indonesian language redaction in Taiwan.
Contak Person: E-mail: [email protected] II Discord: Etty Diallova#9230.
Hey, I have a question regarding Ramadan.
Can you eat any kind of food or any specific food? because I have seen hundreds of videos on youtube or tiktok of people who make a whole feast, but can you do that?
I can eat anything, as long as it doesn't contain pork. because as a Muslim, we can't eat it. Besides, we can eat anythings. but for the beginning of break fasting, it is recommended to drink sweet. Thank you for your attention in our Ramadan.Hello @fabian98
breaking the fast without close relatives it's like something missing, I suggest you try remember when they are smiling it will ease the homesickness
The snacks look amazing. I can imagine they go very well with the coffee.
May your prayers be accepted. 🙏
Thank you very much.
The same to you.
I hope you have a nice day and happy weekend 🙏
Saya suka klepon
Di Cirebon klepon bentuknya kecil-kecil sebesar ibu jari. Satu porsinya 5 butir. Saya kalau makan klepon bisa habis 5 porsi 😄
Klepon memang enak Mba Ranesa.
Saya juga suka, makanya penasaran untuk bisa buat sendiri. Kebetulan di rumah ada mantang dan tepung dan tepung beras ketan. Sekarang sudah bisa buat sendiri, lebih sesuai dgn selera. 😍
Your traditional snack looks awesome. The perfect companion for an afternoon cup of coffee.Hello @ettydiallova,
I do understand the importance of being with family and friends during this time, so I wish you find content in some way while you break this fast alone.
Have a nice day:)
Hopefully this will be my last Ramadan alone abroad. In the Next year, you will be able to enjoy drinking coffee with your family.
Have A nice day for you too:)Thanks for your supported @millycf1976 🌸
Thanks for the advice. I always remember their happiness and smile when breaking fast together. it's okay, alone it's for a while, someday I can get together again with my families :)Hello @asrullpare
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