Greetings dear readers, today I give life and love after a month of absence from this beloved hive. Between my work and personal activities I have been wandering with my feeling, thinking and doing, looking for the time to be able to sit down calmly to write something important and resonant for me.
This is how during the company of a new and divine mocha coffee, last warm Sunday I was able to harmonize a little while waiting for the time to go to deliver an order, then I decided to enter a McDonald's, that hamburger franchise that seeks to be at the forefront, in which I have noticed that many have conditioned their establishments with some cozy areas for the sale of gourmet coffee and desserts.

This day I was feeling down because I was going through one of those famous flus that are happening, and I also felt affected by multiple personal situations to which I have given time to digest and find harmony in terms of my projects and personal life, being convinced that for that nothing better than ... a good friend called coffee and if it is mocha WOW, is the glory.
So when I entered I walked around the counter looking at the billboard and what they offered, obviously I was going with my previous idea, so I asked the manager to allow me to take pictures of the process of my coffee, to which he responded positively as long as it was from the counter.
In this way I was able to take some impressions of how my good companion was preparing, an act that he carried out with a certain mysticism and delicacy, until he placed it in front of me. When I looked at my coffee, I wanted to taste it with one of the snacks that were on the counter, there were the common desserts such as: cupcakes, slices of cakes and cookies, but there was one that caught my attention powerfully, and it was the brownie with cookies, a delicacy never seen before.
When I sat down and looked at and perceived the aroma of that gift that I decided to give myself on that warm Sunday, I was very much encouraged to take my first taste, first of all, of the coffee that attracted me because of its beautiful presentation. However, at that moment I had doubts, thinking that the flavor might not be so special, since this franchise is a creator of processed foods, perhaps the coffee would have an artificial characteristic.

But good thing I was wrong... after stirring my coffee to integrate it with the chocolate syrup, when I drank it I could taste a flavor that immediately seduced me and cheered me up, without adding even a little bit of sugar.
With such a sensation I decided to give the appetizer a taste, which I give a 7 out of 10, because although I felt it was delicious it was a little dry, I don't know if that is its real consistency, however when I accompanied it with a few sips of my mocha coffee, it changed my impression making the brownie feel more appetizing.
While I was eating my snack there was a very pleasant music thread and by chance the song “With or without you” by the group U2 was playing, a song that I don't know for what strange reason moves me so much, and I don't know what it means, but every time I listen to it it produces an incredible feeling of expansion and flight, something that for the moment I was living I needed to wake up, activating me towards the search for what I need.

This music was super pleasant, that together with my mocca coffee I could feel more empowered, becoming that instant of an hour, a time just to pamper myself, harmonize myself where I visualized and focused with desires and goals for my personal development, Thank you McDonald, mocca coffee and U2!
Un Mc café mocca para la lucidez
Saludos apreciados lectores hoy doy vida y amor después de un mes de ausencia por esta querida colmena. Entre mi trabajo y actividades personales he ido divagando con mi sentir, pensar y hacer, buscando el tiempo para poder sentarme con calma a escribir algo que fuera importante y resonante para mí.
Es así como durante la compañía de un nuevo y divino café mocca, el pasado cálido domingo pude armonizarme un poco mientras esperaba la hora para irme a entregar una encomienda, entonces me dispuse a entrar en un Mc Donald, esa franquicia de hamburguesas que busca estar a la vanguardia, en la que he notado que muchas han acondicionado sus establecimientos con unas áreas acogedoras para la venta de café gourmet y postres.
Este día me sentía decaída ya que pasaba una de esas famosas gripes que están dando, y también me sentía acontecida por múltiples situaciones personales a lo que le he dado el tiempo, para digerir y encontrar armonizarme en función de mis proyectos y vida personal, estando convencida que para eso nada mejor que… un buen amigo llamado café y si es mocca ¡WOW!, es la gloria.
Entonces al entrar me pasee por el mostrador mirando la cartelera y lo que ofrecían, obvio yo iba con mi idea previa, fue así como le pedí al encargo me permitiera tomar fotos del proceso de mi café, a lo que me respondió positivamente siempre que fuera desde el mostrador.
De este modo pude tomar algunas impresiones de como preparaba mi buen acompañante, acto que realizó con cierto misticismo y delicadeza, hasta ponerlo frente a mí. Al mirar mi café desee degustarlo con una de los bocadillos que estaban en el mostrador, habiendo los comunes postres como: ponquecitos, rebanadas de tortas y galletas, pero hubo uno que me llamo poderosamente la atención, y fue el brownie con galletas, una exquisitez jamás antes vista.
Al sentarme y mirar y percibir el aroma de ese regalo que decidí darme en aquel cálido domingo, me animé muchísimo en disposición a realizar mi primera probadita, primeramente, del café que me atrajo por su bonita presentación. Sin embargo, en ese instante entré en dudas pensando que el sabor quiza no sería tan especial, pues por ser esta franquicia creadora de alimentos procesado, tal vez el café tendría una característica artificial.

Pero qué bueno que me equivoqué… después de remover mi café para integrarlo con el sirope de chocolate, al tomarlo pude sentir un sabor que de entrada me sedujo y animo de inmediato, no siendo necesario agregarle ni un poquito de azúcar.

Con tal sensación decidí darle la probadita al aperitivo, al que le doy un 7 de 10, pues aunque lo sentí delicioso estuvo un poco seco, no sé si sea esa su real consistencia, sin embargo al acompañarlo con unos sorbos de mi café mocca, cambió mi impresión haciendo al brownie sintiendolo más apetecible.

Mientras consumía mi merienda había un hilo música muy agradable y por causalidad sonó el tema de la agrupación U2 “With or without you”, una canción que no sé por qué extraña razón me moviliza tanto, y de la que no sé qué significa, pero cada vez que la escucho me produce una sensación de expansión y vuelo increíble, cosa que para el momento por lo que vivía me hacía falta despertar, activándome hacia la búsqueda de lo que necesito.

Esta música fue súper placentera, que en conjunto con mi café mocca pude sentirme más empoderada, convirtiéndose ese instante de una hora, un tiempo justo para consentirme, armonizarme donde visualicé y me enfoqué con deseos y metas para mi desarrollo personal, ¡Gracias Mc Donald, café mocca y U2!

Is there anything that can feel wrong while U2 is playing? Seriously, I think that song is infused with magic properties or something. Sounds like you and your friend had a lovely time at the McCafe. I'm glad it cheered you up:)
Thanks, siiii indeed the McCafe turned out to be a cozy place with my Mocca and with that powerful and vital U2 theme 🤗 I was able to successfully activate myself on that Sunday for the whole week.
Happy days to you ☕
Wowww... Friend, honestly I'm also moved by that song, the song "With or without you" by the group U2...
Well, I think it was a good combination between your coffee, dessert and that song that resonates and moves the soul...
Thank you for sharing your experience 🙌🙌🙌
So it was my beautiful thank you for coming and sharing your taste with me. Happy week I hope you are doing much better💕 ☕💕
A very good café with delicious food and good music to spend a very pleasant and flavorful time. Macdonald is a multinational company so its products must be of high quality.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕
Excellent day.
Thanks to you for coming and leaving me your appreciation, indeed I think it is good that this multinational company has conditioned its spaces where it is possible to have a good and better option for the palate.
Blessed present 💕
Really the combination of coffee, brownie and music for that return after a month's absence is a wonderful thing. I can see from your smile that you enjoyed it!
I hope you have found solutions in that time of reflection and lightened burdens if there were any. We all need to take some time... and put things in perspective.
Ayyy 😍 what a beauty what you present me, if there I am putting in order my ideas for new projects that generate me mental health and consequently physical health.
Always accompanied by exquisite music, here I share with you a song of one of my favorite musicians, "Ludovico".
Happy week 💕☕💕💕
😀 I played it immediately because I love Ludovico's music too.
What a delicious coffee and brownie. Everything looks lovely and perfect to enjoy. Beauty everything there.
Hello 🤗 Yes really a very cozy place, I have in mind to walk again for dates franchises and with another order, the truth I recommend going to these spaces of Mc donald, you spend a very pleasant time.
Thank you for coming happy week 💕☕💕