Types of Coffee: A learning journey



Once, not so long ago, I became very interested in learning about coffee and its different variants. Until then I was an assiduous amateur consumer, especially in the afternoons at the office where drinking coffee is almost a necessity. However, I was not really "an expert" and in the company of a friend I set out to learn more about the art of coffee, which for many people is a way of life.

The first of the coffees that we set out to taste was the ristretto, a variant in one sip that literally left me with a wrinkled face due to its bitterness and with few hours of sleep at night. I remember that this coffee was super strong and without a gram of sugar, some baristas prefer to serve it double; that was my case, I tasted a double ristretto that left me that night with a lot of energy.

The American coffee, on the other hand, seemed to me smoother and with a delicious flavor, this is due to the fact that this type of coffee has much more water than coffee. It is for this reason that it seemed a little lighter than the ristretto. This time it was a pleasant tasting and yes, this type of beverage bears the name of the country of its origin, the United States of America.

The macchiato coffee, is a work of art. Cut with milk so that the coffee loses that typical and delicious bitterness, it always ends up with a beautiful figure at the end of the preparation. This was, is and will be my favorite for many reasons, and that is that milk and coffee are great companions. Of course, the quantities and proportions vary according to the preparation and the region of the world where you consume your coffee.


Types of Coffee

The Latte (which Italian means coffee with milk) is a variant that mixes milk and coffee, but although I did not understand very well the difference between a traditional coffee with milk and a latte, the reality is that such difference is the preparation. The Latte is an art made coffee, from the final finish to the tasting, and in addition to its unmistakable flavor, this drink stands out because it has its exact measurements when it is prepared.

Mocha coffee is one of my favorites. Prepared with another beverage full of caffeine: chocolate, the Mocha seduces the palates of coffee lovers. Add a little whipped cream and the finish is out of this world. One of my favorite drinks in the world, for its contrasts, its flavors, its textures. Bittersweet, a bitter sweet that awakens the senses.

Cappuccino is a variant of coffee preparation that mixes the creaminess of boiling milk with the bitterness of coffee. This type of coffee became popular with the use of espresso machines, one of the most outstanding inventions of modernity. If there is something I can highlight about cappuccino it is that it is ideal for a good conversation, a good meeting or for a business meeting.

Espresso coffee, on the other hand, is praised for its bitterness and concentration. This is one of the most famous variants, but what really caught my attention during this whole experience is to know the amount of coffees that exist and how many of them were born in Italy. If this post were about Italian coffee, I think it would take me an hour. In fact, I would love to take a tour of Italy and learn about the roots of the love of coffee.

There coffee is a way of life. There is a coffee for every moment in Italy, there is a coffee for every feeling. Coffee is part of the Italian culture. That is why I was delighted to have been allowed to learn more about coffee, because it is truly a wonderful world, full of color, flavor and exquisite textures. Coffee, I love coffee.


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The image on The cover Is my property and it was taken with my cell phone. - La imágen en la portada es de mi biblioteca personal y fue tomada con mi celular

Translated by me & also using Deepl


 3 years ago  

It's an interesting world of coffee and all the different variants.Hello @franchalad

cappuccino it is that it is ideal for a good conversation, a good meeting, or a business meeting.

I would agree with that!

Thanks for adding that chart that you've found to give us a visual understanding.

Hav a nice weekend:)

Have a nice weekend you too my friend. That's true, Cappuccino Is a dream come true for all of us ☕☕☕ @millycf1976

Honestly, ristretto is such a rarity where I live. What would be your favorite type of coffee?

I really enjoy all of them, cause' there is a coffee for every momment. ✨❤️

A really interesting and striking content that teaches us much more about coffee in a didactic and entertaining way. Enjoy this learning journey dear friend, thanks for the information. A hug.

Oh I really appreciate your comment, @susurrodmisterio.