I was fortunate enough to be sipping on that legit iced caffe latte several days ago; it began in a rather lovely fashion and was tasty indeed.
There I sat at a small table in front of the café watching the world pass by, ducks and swans on the lake in front of me, trees swaying in the light breeze and breathing fresh air...a typically nice autumn day. Although, there was a dark side that, try as I might, I was unable to shake...But, as my friend Plato often said, the mother of invention is necessity...and I had the need to be inventive.
As I sipped I became increasingly annoyed at the watering down of my coffee as the ice cubes melted. By the end of it I was drinking a dubious mix of vaguely-coffee-flavoured milk and water and it was heinous. There must be a better way to do this.
I pondered my watery-milk dilemma as I headed for a walk around the lake and, as with most of the world's preeminent inventors, the idea hit me rather profoundly, right in the noggin - My idea could well be the life-hack to improve the world forever. I'd win a Nobel Prize for this, I thought I thought to myself.
Coffee ice cubes
I could hardly wait until I got home to begin the research and development stage and, as I completed my walk, began to plan what I'd need; a complex collection of coffee ice cube making equipment that would help me determine the legitimacy of my idea and win me that Nobel Prize.
In truth there's wasn't all that much to gather:
- Ice cube tray
- Black coffee
- Water (H20 as us scientists refer to it)
- A freezer
Most great inventions seem so easy once someone has devised, researched and tested it then created the final concept but there's always much more to it; it's not all that simple - They don't hand out Nobel Prizes out easily you know.
Ok, it was actually really simple indeed, but it sounds better that it was complicated and a long hard struggle of failure after failure then ultimate success - it's more Nobel Prize worthy. There was no failure though. I made the coffee, poured it into the ice cube maker and put it into the freezer. Almost anyone could do it I guess, but don't tell the Nobel Prize dudes that ok?
Coffee lab monkey
I know testing products on animals isn't considered politically correct despite the fact that it happens with most products still but...
I didn't have any alternative but to test it on an animal, myself - the G-dog, and after waiting patiently impatiently for the coffee ice cubes to freeze I made up an iced coffee and used the coffee ice cubes in the glass.
From there I decided to add a more in-the-field element to test the coffee ice cubes in the harshest of environments. I moved to the harsh environment testing facility, got into my hammock and laid there sipping it in the usual manner. I know, it seems extreme, but I wanted to ensure the testing phase gathered enough hard data for the evaluation phase to then be effective and comprehensive. A Nobel Prize hung in the balance after all.
Conclusion - definite legitimacy
If you think I conducted only one test on the viability of coffee ice cube usage you're bonkers.
There were many comprehensive tests ensuring the evaluation phase had integrity. The testing phase was so comprehensive in fact, all two of those tests, that the results were conclusive. Coffee ice cubes used in iced coffee is a definite legit thing to do.
Right about now I have to be honest and say I was truly amazed at my own amazing amazingness; I don't mean just in the conceiving of the initial invention but throughout the testing and evaluation evolutions. I was magnificent. It wasn't easy to accomplish of course but with diligence, a focused and uncompromising refusal to accept defeat and just a little luck the invention was developed, tested and found to be a world-changing success. Amazing right? Undoubtedly.
I'm not one to boast usually however I proudly mentioned my amazing invention to a couple of people and...well, it seems it's not much of an invention at all as allegedly people have been using this legit coffee life-hack for quite some time. I'm dubious though, I've never seen it occur but I've been led to believe that it has indeed been in use for a while. So...there goes my Nobel Prize for world changing inventions I guess. Easy come, easy go right?
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
The image is my own
Well if you like water in your coffee (I really don't XD) that's absolutely a life changingly brilliant idea :)
I'll mention you in my Nobel prize speech ok?
Crazy. YOu know, I invent recipes all the time and find out Jamie Oliver has been stealing them.
That pesky Jamie Oliver always steal someone else's thunder.
Such sacrifice, having to test all that coffee in so many settings.😉
I never drink iced coffee at home and rarely out.... well never out now, but when I did go out....
It still sounds good. You could make the same kind of ice cubes as the coffee you like to drink so it stays even to the end.... or if black coffee or expresso cubes, a latte would become stronger and strong till the end.... in theory. I wonder how often there is an experience where the end of a coffee is better than the first of it.... hmmmmm
I sacrificed myself for the good of humanity Jace. I'm like that.
I have some more research to do but I think, well, I'm pretty sure...
Nobel prize coming my way.
Your efforts should yield two Nobels, Chemistry and Peace.
I'd say you're completely correct in your assessment. I'll mention you in my speech. ✅
Hey Galen,
While reading this, I was smiling thinking, oh my! should I burst Galen's bubble and tell him that coffee ice cubes are fairly common? Or should I just award him and praise him just for how clever he is?
Then I saw that you discovered it.
I award you this anyway, for coming up with a creative idea from your dismay of watered down latte.

btw, I have ice cubes trays in the shape of things that I like 😉
It's actually easier to invent something someone else has already invented, and take the credit, than actually expending the time and energy actually inventing something from scratch.
Nobel prize coming my way. You know it!
I've seen some interestingly shaped ice. Just saying.
Well, as a alternative, you could use steel ice cubes. Or iced steel cubes... or sticed eel cubes... whatever...
But seriously, I use steel ice cubes for my whiskey on the rocks. I also don't like it if the drink gets diluted with water from ice cubes. Atmittedly, steel ice cubes are expensive (but reuseable of course) and not as effective as water ice - but they don't change the drink. You can find them on Amazon for $15 a dozen, or so.
I have those rocks that do the same thing. They sit in the freezer and are used for drinks when required. They don't soak up the flavours of the drink or water down of course. They're pretty good for scotch. I've not heard of the steel ones but they'd do the same I guess.
Yes, I have 2 rock disks as well, its granite I think. They came with a whiskey gift set. The steel cubes are not solid steel btw., they are filled with some liquid like the cooling packs for cold boxes.
Ice cubes that don't water down the drink are such a good idea huh?
They certainly are. I remember when I went to McDs (I dont go there anymore), I was always annoyed about their cokes - it was basically a big cup of ice with a splash of coke to fill the gaps. And it tasted accordingly. So I ordered saying "No ice, please." They didn't like that much, one could tell.
Yep, I've been there myself, I think most journeymen of life have. The smart ones order with no ice.
I like your dedication to the scientific process man! It’s not always easy being the lab rat for such experiments but it’s a worthy sacrifice.
I’m shocked that I don’t see more of this honestly. I know my wife loves ice coffee and I’m going to keep this in my back pocket! I think businesses could really do well by giving this a go lol even if you use the leftover grounds after the first pot of coffee is finished you could run water through the grounds and into the ice machine.
I'm a science nerd.
I think it would be a nice point of difference for coffee shops to do stuff like this right? Someone should invent it.
Coffee ice cubes? What a nobel prize, you should be at nasa hahaha.
I'm an inventor too, sometimes I get it right and sometimes I come up with something that even the dog or cat wouldn't eat.
Lol, ah yes there is that factor I guess...*Inventing something that is so heinous no one wants it!
Am I the only one that didn't know this was already invented? You could have won the prize if I was voting but perhaps not if I actually drank iced coffee. I love coffee, but, I never drink it iced. I have to say I haven't tried it in at least a decade - maybe even a little longer.
That sounds so illigit, doesn't it?
On another note, I am a huge fan of freezing lemonade or any other drink to add the cubes to those drinks. Frozen drinks deserve tasty ice cubes.
Lol. Yeah, I think you're the only person on the planet who didn't know. But don't worry, it's cute and endearing that you don't profess to know everything. 😊
Lemonade ice cubes sound like a bloody good idea too! That'll be my next invention. 🤣
Well done!! I am pretty sure that is the way many inventions are made! :))
I've invented a thing or two in my day. Some cannot be mentioned here.
I think I've got enough clearance!
You're authorised huh? 😉
Take backs! I don't need to be read into that!
I've thought about doing this many times but I've never actually followed through on it so good on you for going ahead with the plan.
What I started to do in the summer months though is save the leftover coffee from the pot after my morning cup. I put it in a Mason jar and put it in the fridge to make ice coffee later. I generally add a bunch of cream or milk and sometimes sugar to my ice coffee so it doesn't even matter of the coffee is a bit burnt lol (I'm not really selling this idea am I?).
I wouldn't call this an inventive technique by any means - more of an aversion to wanting to be wasteful 🤣
I'm like a G-dog with a bone when I get an idea. Ok, maybe that doesn't read so well. 🤣
I like your coffee idea! And...one can burn it? Perfect!
I make standard filter coffee so it happens when it sits in the pot on the heat too long.
I never had that problem...Something to do with drinking too much coffee I guess.
I really thought you had it for a minute there and were going to fly me down for a country tour before we headed out to get your medal and check!
I had a similar experience when I thought I had an epiphany that was already in circulation by freezing grapes and various berries to add to chilled sangria during the summer. I wasn't the first one on that one either. lol
You mean...that's been done?
Dang it, that was my next bloody invention! Damn it. I'll have to resort to my secondary one...The duckface selfie pout. It sounds and looks totally bloody stupid but you mark my words, it's going to catch on.
You deserve a Nobel prize 🏆 for the ingenuity and creativity you put into this piece.
It reminds me of an experiment I did as a kid. I took a lizard and skinned it alive, I needed to study the components just like I saw in a movie... Unfortunately the lizard died before I could finish my procedure.
To an extent, makes me wonder if I was always destined to be a doctor, a surgeon precisely...
I know right? I totally agree with you.
One of my top necessities right now is money, so I think I will take Plato's advice and invent my own currency. I guess there's a reason he's a famous philosopher.
Take them to court for stealing your idea.
Money invention is a great idea...I'll work on it too. A collaboration of sorts.
Litigation proceedings have begun.
Did you just steal my idea? I'm calling my lawyer.
Lol 😂
Genius! I hate watered down coffee.
Indeed. I mean about watered down coffee, I'm not quite a genius. (Or am I?) 😂
Org Img Src
Lovely, this made my day! I'll celebrate with a glass of water. Haha, I got you! Of course, I'll celebrate with coffee!

After reading the title of said invention, I paused and google it and saw this:

I then read the rest of your post and saw the bit at the end and had a good laugh.
Why did I google? Well, like you, I've "invented" a few things in the past. And like you they hit me suddenly. My greatest invention happened in my sleep. It was so profound an invention that I jumped right out of bed and started drawing schematics... until something made me google it. I wasn't "going to be rich", sadly, as I was presented with hundreds of hits on Google Images of my would be invention. Turns out toilet seat shaped toilet paper was so obvious, especially to companies that had been making them for decades haha.
Lol, well it seems like you are in the same situation as me, others stealing all our good inventions! Bastards!
I came up with a magnificent one the other day. An eating utensils that is half fork, half spoon. I was going to call it a Spork. Brilliant. But...nope, someone stole my invention already. 🤨
Hahahaha. That's actually quite a good idea 😂