American Misto

George has been wooing a lady he met some weeks ago but every attempt to create a bond with her failed.

"Hello George, I missed your calls severally." Laura texted him.

"Yeah. I was just checking to know if we can hang out this weekend?" George replied.

"My weekend is tight, maybe we can do that later," She replied.

"Oh okay, that's alright," George replied and felt disappointed she turned him down again.

He tried a few times more but eventually gave up on meeting Laura.

"Maybe, she doesn't want to meet me" George concluded.

Weeks passed and as another weekend was approaching, Laura crossed his mind again.

"What if she turns me down again?" He thought while driving to work.

"Are you free for the weekend?" George typed on his phone immediately after he arrived at the office and as he was about to hit the send button to Laura, he changed his mind.

"I shouldn't do this, it might ruin my weekend before it starts. It doesn't make sense asking since today is Friday, she must have got everything fixed for the weekend."

He put his phone away and focused on work.

After closing, Ella his colleague asked if she could visit him the next day but he turned her down.

George was barely out of bed when his phone rang around 7 a.m.

"Who could this be?" He grumbled as he got out of bed.

"Ella!", George said angrily and put the phone on silent.

"How on earth would you be calling someone by this time on Saturday?", He stuttered.

George went on from drinking coffee to doing other things and the phone vibrated again immediately after he stepped out of the bathroom.

"This naughty girl, why is she disturbing me?", he said silently.

On checking his phone, Laura's name on his missed calls list caught his attention.


"Laura has been calling me, see what you have caused Ella." He stuttered and quickly called Laura.

"Good morning, Laura. I wasn't with my phone." He stuttered.

"Good morning, George. I called too early, I just wanted to know your schedule for today." She asked.

"I am free throughout the day," he replied feeling excited.

"Okay, there is a new coffee shop in town and we could visit together or what do you think?" She asked.

"It's okay, I never thought this would happen" he replied.

He was excited and started browsing through his closet after the call. The evening came and George left the house to meet Laura.

He was right on time and they arrived just a few minutes after each other. They exchanged pleasantries and admired their dresses.

"Wow, this is awesome." George said as he stepped in and she replied, "You can say that again".

"Good evening, sir and ma." A lady approached them.

"Good evening," Laura replied with a bright smile.

"I will be your Barista for tonight," she said and led them to one of the spots for two.

"Thank you," George said as he sank into the soft couch.

"Are you couples?" The Barista asked.

"No for now but who knows what the future holds?" George replied jokingly.

"Can we have your list of coffee, teas and whatever is available?" George asked.

"Yes, that's coming shortly but wouldn't you want to try our special service? I will ask you a few questions and will prepare a perfect blend of your tea based on your answers." The barista replied.

"That sounds interesting but I will pass on that" Laura replied.

The Barista smiled and asked, "How about you, sir?"

"I will give it a try," George replied.

Laura placed her order immediately and she was served.

The Barista brought writing material and began asking questions.

"Tea or coffee, sir?"

"Coffee" George replied.

"How long have you been drinking coffee?"

"Over twenty-five years now, I was barely 12..."

"Seriously?" Laura interrupted.

"What part of the world did you grow?"

"America" he replied.

"What time of the day do you start taking coffee?" The Barista asked.

"That's the first thing I do in the morning before anything," he replied.

"Do you enjoy drinking out or at home?"

"At home and special events like this bring me out." He replied.

"How many blends have you tried?"

"Two or three but my traditional one stands out for me..." he replied.

"Hot or cold?"

"Hot." He replied.

"If I give you $100,000 to stop having your traditional blend, will you take it?"

"No, I won't. It reminds me of home and beautiful memories of my parents..." he replied with a shaky voice.


"Yes, not too much though" he replied.

"I will be back in a few minutes sir." The Barista said and left.

"That was fun," George said to Laura.

"Yeah, it was. Your parents...?" She paused as the barista returned with a small tray.

"Here is it sir," she said and placed the tray on the table.


George looked at the Barista for a second, he sniffed the coffee and smiled.

"This surely smells strong," he whispered before taking a sip.

"Americano Misto!!! That was predictable right?" George asked the Barista who smiled and left.

"I didn't think of that," Laura replied.

"The questions, some were about knowing your origin plus an expo of how it's been prepared. That was smart," George said and sipped again.

"I think I figured out your personalities from your answers", Laura replied.

"Really? It looks like I said too much to the Barista," he replied.

"Your parents?" She asked.

"I lost them after university," he replied.

"Your voice was shaky earlier and I figured that out. May their soul rest in peace"

George ordered more cups, the blends tasted great and he had a great time with Laura.


"Tonight's experience was great, I sold myself out but the Barista stunt was quite impressive," George said as they walked out of the place and that night was the beginning of his eternal friendship with Laura.


The nicest thing of all was that they enjoyed a good coffee and the beginning of a beautiful friendship was born.

Yes, that's true. The Barista predicted correctly after the short interaction and George got his favourite blend.

That day was the foundation of him and Laura.

Perfect for both of us. Thank you for sharing

After a week of stress and worries about the young woman, everything went wonderfully and the best thing is that they enjoyed a good coffee, while the barista played with his mind with each one of those questions, where I like the decision he made and now the friendship is present.

George couldn't hide the joy when the call eventually came in and the coffee became the foundation of what they built in the future.

Good story my friend. Well told

Thanks for reading.

It was a great day, you had an excellent blend of coffee and you conquered your friend, what more could you ask for.
Great story dear @george-dee . Thanks for sharing. A big hug from Maracay.

 2 years ago  

You had a great build-up of the characters and the scenes, and you set the tone for the right mood. The dialogue and interaction were amazing also.
ice one!
