My Coffee and my Potential Suitor.

Hello coffee lover, trust you all are doing great.

This week's prompt is really amazing because it focuses on love and the likely questions and facts I need to know about the person I intend to date, that is, my potential suitor.

Since it's a blind date and I don't really have the opportunity to see any of the contestants physically, their interests and knowledge about coffee must be vast to know if the contestants would be my type or not.



In addition, my love life is important and my love for my dearling coffee is next to none, and due to these factors, I will have to ask the contestants rigorous questions as regards their coffee life, and whoever provides amazing answers to my questions, will have the day.

In view of this, the contestants will have to provide awesome answers to the following questions:

Firstly, I would ask the contestants questions regarding their favorite type and method of brewing coffee, and whoever chooses my favorite type of coffee which is "ROBUSTA" and my favorite brewing method which is "POUR-OVER", has already earned herself some marks.



More so, I would love to know if the contestants love my type of coffee which is flavored, if yes we are going to have a lovely combination, and if no, I guess there is no shortcut to that.



Furthermore, I would also like to know What time of the day the contestants usually drink coffee, if it is in the morning, we are good to go because I love and cherish drinking my dear coffee very early in the morning, and if the reverse is the case, she isn't my type.

Lastly, I would also like to know how often the contestants drink coffee in a week, could it be once or twice a week, three to five times a week, or a daily thing?

The contestant who made drinking coffee a daily routine will definitely be my type.



In conclusion, I want to believe that any contestant who is able to provide good and amazing answers to the above few questions is definitely my type and my potential suitor.

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 last year  

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

Thanks for the cup of coffee, I really appreciate it.

Engagement is key as it keeps an author and the community growing, I will go leave some comments and as well as vote for other authors, thanks.

 last year  

The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.

I mean I do see the essence to these questions. But I think the beautiful things about dates is to learn. So if the person liked an espresso and I prefer mine with more milk and cream, it will be an adventure trying to see if we can get to like each other's tastes as well. Lovely writing though!

Yeah you have a point, which is really a good one but I don't really consume sugar and lots of milk, but giving it a try is what I will try some day.

Thanks for stopping by.

For every coffee lover it is something important that those we love drink coffee, it is something nice to share this love, to worry about the other person drinking coffee in the morning or that there is no lack of coffee at home, to try new brands together to see if we can discover something good and that we can buy in case we do not get the favorite maca or maybe get something better, in short, to ask questions of this type would be quite reasonable.

Noted, thanks.