Sometimes the heart wishes to have a big cup of coffee and drink it to quench the thirst of the heart and sometimes dreams come like running behind a big cup. Go drink and see go to a world where there is love and beautiful people and beautiful coffee and there are people who are big enough to drink from such a big cup, but there are very few places in the world where there are so many big cups. There are big ones who don't get money. Behind it, there are hard workers. A good business and a good coffee point can be built only by working hard. That this is the coffee point will be known by many people and people will come in large numbers to see the big cup from afar and enjoy a good cup of tea and coffee.
A lot of hard work has to be done behind coffee. First tea plantations are made and grown, then it is protected and then after that tea leaves are plucked and coffee is prepared. Those who drink coffee behind him and those behind him have a lot of power. If they do not work hard, those who sit in big cafes and drink coffee comfortably will not be able to drink it, but this world system has to continue like this. Is doing labor and someone is sitting comfortably drinking tea and someone is lifting weights of tea and leaves and coffee. Lifting weights is difficult and drinking is easy.
Drinkers drink and live. They drink tea and coffee as if they were drinking water when they are very thirsty. That is why those who drink coffee once drink it again and again and there are some people in the world who They still do not drink coffee and those people live in villages, they only drink tea, they do not know how coffee is made and how to drink it. When I asked the girls of my villages, they were surprised. It was done, she used to say how it is, how it is drunk, then I showed in the pictures that it is made like this and it goes like this. made them coffee with her own hands and she started drinking it with great pleasure
And sometimes it happens that after putting a cup of tea or a cup of coffee on the lips, when the pleasure of drinking it ends, then the heart is very disappointed and there is no more coffee left to drink. But it's a very small amount. I often make a large amount whenever I make tea or coffee so I can drink it in a big cup.
For a long time I have not been able to work on this community and this platform which I am very ashamed of but now I have moved forward loving this community and this platform with the hope that you all can learn something from friends.
Hey there,
This seems like a rather random post with something that can be found over the internet. I would suggest that you perhaps try to make your coffee posts more personable. Maybe if I saw personal photos or experiences of you with the girls you speak of, then that could have elevated your story, and made it an interesting post.
That just my opinion/suggestion!
Yes, thank you very much for your great advice and I will do the same in the future