A Delicious Coffee for Breakfast

A Delicious Coffee for Breakfast

A morning without coffee is like finding yourself in the middle of a relationship where love no longer exists, for this reason wherever I am I must always enjoy that morning coffee, which sweetens the day, fills us with great energy and drives us to face a day full of challenges and obligations.

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Every morning the first one to get up is usually my father and on him falls the great responsibility to prepare the morning coffee, but this time I had to run several errands very early, that is why when I woke up I got down to work and decided to do something different.





Every morning the first one to get up is usually my father and on him falls the great responsibility to prepare the morning coffee, but this time I had to run several errands very early, that is why when I woke up I got down to work and decided to do something different.





On this occasion I was doing several activities at the same time, and as a good Venezuelan I decided to make all this preparation based on personal experience, therefore, there are no exact measurements, we are talking about a coffee that can be prepared very easily guided by common sense and tasting a little to be able to test that flavor that to our palate is the most pleasant.





In general terms, this coffee has a quite robust flavor, where we can find some chocolate notes, some earthy hints and a final touch of a somewhat smoky flavor. In my opinion this is a somewhat exotic product, where the daily life of the Venezuelan countryside is perfectly blended, without a doubt this is an ideal coffee for breakfast, since this combination of elements helps us to wake up faster and activate us to face the obligations of the day in a better way.




To accompany my cup of coffee I decided to make some empanadas filled with white cheese, the idea was to make a quick and simple breakfast, but without realizing it I obtained a very delicious result, since the intense flavor of the cheese complemented in a great way that aroma and texture of my dark brown coffee, therefore, I started my morning in a very happy way, I went out to do my activities and with a smile on my face I faced the day with a lot of optimism and total dedication.






Morning coffee at home and enjoyed with family can be the most delicious coffee taste in the world

@You are absolutely right, coffee is ideal to share with the family, to have that first chat in the morning and to prepare the strength for a very hard day's work.

 4 days ago  

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

@cinnccf Thank you very much! That coffee looks delicious and while I'm enjoying it be assured that I'll be giving a tour of the community. In addition to discovering our brands and preparations, you will also find incredible stories and experiences here. Greetings and best regards!

DellaNonna is one of my favorite coffee brands, its taste is really exquisite. 👍🏻

@alborhada Undoubtedly this brand of coffee is delicious. It has an exotic and very particular flavor which is incredibly enhanced by adding a touch of milk. Greetings and hugs!