This user needs caffeine

It's already common for us to go to the Casa Granda hotel to drink coffee and chat, it's a comfortable and beautiful place where we can be sitting for hours with a very nice view of the historic center of the city.
We went in the afternoon, when we finished work to gossip a little as usual and have our daily caffeine dose, because yes, one day you're young and suddenly you realize that you can't live without coffee.
Today I was hot, so I searched on the menu if they had something cold to drink and luckily I discovered that they sell cold coffee, which I had never tryed in that place so I ordered it to see how it was.

It's a shot of expresso shaked with ice in the mixer poured in an elegant glass, when they brought it to me, my friends got jealous cus it looked really fancy and they all wanted to try it. So we made a sort of round where each one tried the coffee that the other had ordered and it was very fun.
I must say that I liked it a lot, I don't usually drink my coffee cold cus i like it strong but this time I needed something fresh and I really enjoyed it, and of course the company of my best friends is always the best, we always talk about everything and everyone, we laugh a lot and comfort each other, and the most important of all, we share our coffee addiction.

This post doesn't use artificial intelligence.
All photos used are my property


Para la próxima invitenme 😝🙃
