Making My Favorite Iced Coffee In Our Espresso Series.

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee10 months ago

A day without a coffee is boring. Don't you agree?

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Good day to all and I hope you're doing okay so far. I really believe in the saying, When the time is right, God will make it happen.
There's a lot of things in my life already that I'm not in control so I just gave up them to the One that's above.

I just want to ask who loves coffee here much more than anything else? Hihi. Or those who can't start their agenda for the day when they don't drink a cup of coffee especially the iced one.

I can say that I'm one of those since I tasted coffee when I was just a child. My grandparents are coffee lovers and since then they often gave me or let me sip a coffee from theirs. It's a good experience for me since while we're doing that we had a lot of fun during that time. They told me stories about their childhood and that made me to just experience those things instead of now that it's so complicated.

Until now my grandma make a cup of coffee for me in the morning. I do it myself now ofcourse but she do it when I'm in bath already and forgot to make one then after my bath I drink it before going to work.
Now that my grandfather is gone, we missed him a lot whenever we make a coffee.

I just ventured out last year and find some hiring establishments here in our town, luckily I got hired by the newly opened cafe here which goes by the name Dash Coffee Solano. It's a franchise and it's main is located in Manila, ofcourse owned by humble owners.


We were trained by their professional barista and gained new knowledge about things pertaining to coffee and those espresso machines.

It's rare for me to take pictures during operating hours since the shop is occupied that's why I've been lucky this time that I got the time to do it.

Ofcourse what I did and will be featured here is my favorite Iced coffee in our Espresso series which is the Dark Mocha.

So without further ado let's jump into the making process.


In espresso series we need to have a grinded coffee bean but not just a grinded one, what we need is a fine grind which is finer than a sand.


In that way we can get a good result later when we brew it. Its grind size is crucial in having a good coffee.



When we already put the grinded coffee in the portafilter, we must distribute it evenly in order to avoid any gaps when we stamp it.

In stamping we also need to take note that we need to apply the right pressure in order to compiled it in a firm state to have a good shot but not that exaggerated force.


After that we need to put it back to the espresso machine, we're using Gemilai 3200D Pro.

When everything is ready, I put the espresso shot glass for you to see the shot in a good way. What we usually do is put our cup directly in that then brew.

Our espresso machine by the way is already calibrated and that's the first thing to consider every opening. A good shot also depends on the calibration according to the barista that trained us and I can really tell the difference now compared to those shots we pulled when the machine is not yet calibrated.
The brewing time also is within 30 seconds for a good shot.


So the brewing began and look at that shot. It's aroma is irresistible to be honest. I felt good already after inhaling some of those. I experience this everyday and seems my soul can't get enough of it. Haha.

And here's the finished espresso shot.



After that I flushed it one more time to clean it and to make sure that there's no coffee ground present in there and cleaned also the portafilter then put it back.


What I did next was prepared the milk mixed with fructose.


After that I dissolved the cocoa powder and poured it first to have a nice effect on the presentation.




Lastly was the espresso shot on top.
Look at the cocoa being suspended between the milk and the espresso shot.


Here's the view from top, look at that crema. Looking at it wants me to take a sip immediately but let's wait.


Ofcourse my favorite Iced coffee needs a great background and here it is.
That's our shop and it's interior design is a great background for photos like this.


For the final one, finally I mixed it well and took a sip on it and heaven.hihi. You know the taste of the espresso plus the cocoa is combined well giving off the sweetness of the coffee and the after taste of bitterness but in a wholesome way.

I just said to myself, "I DESERVE IT, ENJOY EVERY SIP OF IT."

Finding work is very hard especially here in the Philippines wherein when you want to apply you must hold a degree or atleast high school graduate plus you need to have the 1 to 2 years of experience when you're just applying for the first time to gain experience in the profession you chose to take. Another factor is that when you don't have the back up then the chance for you to get hired in a big company is low. Let's get real here and I don't want to sugar coat those things that I observed.

So if you have a job now then you must endure no matter what obstacles may come to your way because there's a lot out there who's wishing to have a job but they can't.
There will be one day that we will be all free from those stress from our work so we gotta hold on for now..
It's not permanent after all.

Thank you for reading and you must drink a cup of Iced coffee already.


That cold coffee looks absolutely great. I really liked seeing how you prepare it, it makes you want to drink it. Excellent!

Yeah I can't disagree to what you said.
Iced coffee is one of my drinks to ease the hotness we're experiencing here right now..
Thanks for stopping by.

Ma try ko nga to, coffee + nesquick + fresh milk pero hot lang wala akong ice dito.

Try mopo ate. Baka pwede po iyan.. 😁at masarap din..po

 10 months ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

 10 months ago  

A life without coffee is boring, indeed, and it's great when you try iced options in cold climates.
Hey, it's good to pop by and share your story here, but I would like to encourage you to stop by and check the stories from other authors and leave them comments. Engagement is a high priority of this community:)

Have a nice weekend when it comes!
Coffee is the most delightful drink to have at seminars or whenever friends get together since it helps to activate the brain.
Thanks for stopping by.

COFFEE... ... The drink of the gods & goddesses.jpg

Iced coffee is still great even if its cold here these days. Hot would be nice also.
Thanks for that, I will try my best to do so.

That coffee with cocoa and those ices looks good, perfect for a drink on a hot day.

Thanks for sharing.
Good Friday.

Yes it would be nice if it's partnered with some pastries that are not too sweet.
Have a nice weekend.

Finding jobs in my country works out a little like in the Philippines. You want to apply for a job, and one of the criteria is that you already have 5 years of working experience. And it's amusing because, how's that possible when you've been schooling all your life?
There are even jobs requiring 15 years of working experience... how would a 25 year old apply?
It's crazy.

Congratulations on your new job.
Knowing you like it there is great.
Have fun at the job and enjoy every sip of your coffee. You deserve it 👏

Aww.. that's more difficult than here. Sometimes I just don't get those companies with hiring qualifications like that.

Yeah.. I really deserved it after a long way of hardwork. 😊

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Thank you for the support and I hope that you had a great day so far this weekend.

I definitely love coffee, if I don't drink it in the morning I spend the whole day with a headache!
headache! jajajajajajajajajaj

I have never tried it with ice cream, but, seeing your recipe, I think I will give it a try!
