in Cinnamon Cup Coffeelast year (edited)

Welcome to Masalaki Mr Jakes, I hope your trip wasn't as stressful as you look.

A man spoke as Jakes came down from the chopper

How many years has it been Simon, 10, 15 years?

Jakes asked as he walked towards the dark-skinned old man smiling with his little cigar between his lips

Simon; I have missed you buddy

Simon said as he gave his old friend a hug that lasted for about 90 seconds.

So what brings you to my Territory son?

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Jakes; I'm cracking a case, A small town in Dallas had suffered from coffee poisoning. We have the owner of the coffee shop under custody, according to him, the espresso machine he normally uses was faulty, and he had to borrow it from a friend who is currently nowhere to be found.

I don't think he poisoned those people, but what I can't seem to understand is how a man who only sold coffee to a maximum of 20 persons a day, still sold that maximum on the day of the incident, only to have ended up poisoning 205 people and the espresso machine which we should have tested to see if it was contaminated is nowhere to be found alongside the friend he borrowed it from.

Image by brgfx on Freepik

From my investigation, I found out that there was a break-in at his shop. I suspect whoever broke in stole the espresso machine and is the major culprit in this case. I had also found a chemical substance at the crime scene which was used for coffee poisoning. I retrieved this PID controller (Proportional integral derivative) which whoever stole the espresso machine forgot to take along, it enabled me to track it with the help of my IT guys to the SSR (SOLID STATE RELAY) which has now led me here. I believe the espresso machine is in this village, and whoever was the Mastermind behind the mass poisoning is here.

Simon; this village is very small, no one would enter without me knowing. However, I will ask the locals around if they saw any unfamiliar faces or any suspicious movements within the last two days.

Jakes; Aiit my friend, I will be alert for whatever you find.

Simon; Whatever you need son, I'm always happy to help

Jakes; by the way, I have been following up with the big News about the ancient tomb recently found in Masakali.

Simon; Oh yes, it's just a five-minute walk away from here, the archaeologist would only allow you in after they have finished conducting their research. But you can do a side see if you wish to go. I know you would anyway.

Jakes entered the tomb and met the archeologist pondering about what an espresso machine would be doing in a tomb that hasn't been opened in the last 250 years.

Jakes; that machine entered this tomb recently…

Mark; and how would you know this, are you supposed to be here by the way?

Jakes; the machine is covered in light dirt, every other item in this tomb has been covered in thick dirt because they had been here for years. I'm Detective Jakes from the US States of Criminal Affairs, and that espresso machine in your hand was used in the mass poisoning of over 200 people three days ago.

Mark; But this tomb was just discovered yesterday, it can't be that someone came in here through the door of the tomb because it took a lot of effort to break through the door.

Jakes; have you checked what Is behind the opening on the roof?

Jakes took a long stick, pushing the opening with very little effort.

Jakes; You see the espresso machine came in through the rooftop. I will need you to hand over the machine now, I have a Criminal to catch.

Jakes took the machine to his chopper directly. Then he went to the bar of the village for a drink with the locals. Upon returning, the espresso machine was nowhere to be found, neither was the PID controller.

He brought out a small device from his pocket, looked at it, and started running north. He kept running into the desert until he saw a man in Black digging from afar.

It was then Jakes brought out his gun and slowly approached the man.

Jakes; Don't move, your hands behind your head.

The man stopped, raised his hands, but then tried to run when Jakes pulled the trigger. The bullet hit him on the leg, and Jakes went further to see who it was.

Jakes; Simon…

Simon panting in pain from the bullet wound.

Simon; how did you find me?

Jakes; A hunch. I never told you anything about the time of the incident, but you said no one had entered the village in the last two days.

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I also figured whoever went through the stress of bringing it here, would want to keep it where no one would look. The tomb

I put a tracker in the PID controller suspecting that whoever was involved already knows I am here. It's just sad that it had to be a man I thought of as a father.

I just have one question for you Simon; Why?

Simon; I can't tell you I'm sorry, this is way more than you can imagine. And I will advise you stop searching boy

Jakes; you know I will never turn a blind eye to crime. I will get to the root of this crime I promise you.

Simon; I guess you got that from your old man, not turning a blind eye to Crime, and he died for it. Good people die for the wrong reasons these days, you don't know what you are getting into.



 last year  

The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.

What an incredible story! Detective Jakes' investigative skills and determination truly shine through as he unravels the mystery of the mass poisoning. The unexpected twist with Simon as the culprit adds a layer of complexity to the plot. It's a tale of crime, loyalty, and the pursuit of justice. Can't wait to see what Detective Jakes gets into next. 🕵️‍♂️🔍🔫 #DetectiveJakes #JusticePrevails

#dreemerforlife #dreemport

Ummm, I glad you liked it. Indeed there are a lot of mystery behind the story

This is an incredible story! So apt and had me from start to finish. You watch a lot of crime series right? This was amazing!

Came in through Dreemport

Yeah, I love action movies probably why. Thanks for stopping by dreemer

Oh, I love this. It was like watching a crime movies. You had me from the start. I also love how it was resolved. U didn't see that coming.

Coming from a great writer like you, I'm honored, thank you