Frappuccino with Yarema/ Frapuccino con Yarema


Hello to all the members of this beautiful community. I feel very grateful to finally meet so many people who, like me, also love coffee. Those of us who appreciate the art of good coffee, delight ourselves from the very moment we can perceive its aroma or from the moment we fantasize with the idea of... "it's about time for my cup of coffee". Speaking of which, there is someone who owed me that "cup of coffee" a long time ago, my friend Yarema. I firmly believe that with a good friend, even coffee tastes better than it is.

For this occasion, my friend Yarema and I went to the Lobby Bar of the Grand Aston Hotel, located in Vedado, a municipality in the capital of Cuba. And if there was one thing we knew for sure, it was that we were determined to have a good time, because cups of coffee, in good company, are always conducive to that.


We both ordered a drink that has fascinated me to the point of obsession. I have even learned to prepare it at home for my family and myself, I am referring to the frapuccino. I have to confess that before I tried it for the first time, I was quite suspicious about "cold coffee". My dad always taught me, as long as I can remember, that coffee should be like his initials:

C aliente (Hot)
A margo (Bitter)
F uerte (Strong)
E scaso (Scarce)


However, today I can gladly say that I have tasted a great variety of types of coffee, which could be a "sin" or very "daring" for those who are more conservative when it comes to consuming this delicious beverage.
In summary, I can say that it was a great afternoon, with excellent company, where in addition to a large, cold and exquisite cup of frapuccino, my friend and I shared a lot of smiles.

And what do you think, do you think that coffee should be only as its initials or do you think it is also good to try new recipes? A big kiss to all of you, thanks for reading me!


Original photos and content.

The text was translated by DeepL


Hola a todos los miembros de esta hermosa comunidad. Me siento muy agradecida de por fin encontrar a tantas personas que como yo, también aman el café. Aquellos que apreciamos el arte del buen café, nos deleitamos desde el mismo momento que logramos percibir su aroma o desde que fantaseamos con la idea de… “ya se acerca la hora de mi tacita de café”. Hablando de eso, hay alguien que hace tiempo me debía esa “tacita de café”, mi amiga Yarema. Pues creo firmemente que con una buena amiga, incluso el café sabe más rico de lo que es.

Para esta ocasión, mi amiga Yarema y yo, nos dirigimos al Lobby Bar del hotel Grand Aston, ubicado en el Vedado, municipio de la capital de Cuba. Y si algo teníamos claro es que íbamos decididas a pasar un buen momento, pues las tazas de café, en buena compañía, siempre propician eso.


Ambas pedimos una bebida que ha logrado fascinarme hasta la obsesión. Pues inclusive he aprendido a prepararla en casa para mi familia y para mí, me refiero al frapuccino. Tengo que confesar que antes de probarla por primera vez, era bastante recelosa con el tema del “café frío”. Mi papá siempre me enseñó desde que tengo uso de razón, que el café debe ser cómo sus iniciales:

C aliente
A margo
E scaso


Sin embargo, hoy puedo decir con gusto, que he probado gran variedad de tipos de café, los cuales podrían resultar “pecado” o muy “atrevidos” para aquellos más conservadores a la hora de consumir esta deliciosa bebida.
En resumen, puedo decir que fue una tarde estupenda, con una excelente compañía, donde además de una grande, fría y exquisita copa de frapuccino, mi amiga y yo compartimos muchísimas sonrisas.

¿Y qué piensan ustedes? ¿Creen que el café debe ser sólo como sus iniciales o piensan que está bien también probar nuevas recetas? Un beso grande a todos, gracias por leerme!

Foto y contenido originales

El texto fue traducido por DeepL


I love the frappuchino... It's a great place to enjoy company and a nice cold coffee. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much. I totally agree with you. Best regards.


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@chacald.dcymt(1/5) tipped @lagoticaderocio

 28 days ago  

I'm suspicious of cold coffee too and tend to agree with your dad about the qualities of coffee. That being said, your Frappuccino looks delicious 😋

Hahaha that's right, it looks delicious. I think that neither one position nor the other is wrong. Just as coffee: hot, bitter, strong and scarce is very tasty, so is a frapuccino.

 28 days ago  

You've just entered our 'Interactive Virtual Coffee Shop.'


Thanks a-latte!

The Cinnamon Cup Coffee Team

Thank you so much. I am very excited to be part of this beautiful community.

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Nothing like a coffee in the company of friends or family, you always enjoy it twice as much. Very much agree with your dad, I just wouldn't want it to not be scarce 😅

Thank you friend, I always enjoy coffee very much in your company 😌☕. A big kiss.

That frappuccino looks great, drinking coffee in company is an excellent option, It's a good place to share

That's how it is. A good coffee, the best pretext to create beautiful memories. Thank you for commenting. Best regards.

That's right, it's the best, greetings 🥰🤗

A big hug for you 😍🥰😊