Coffee jealousy


It was only four months ago that Cristian and I met for the first time and I knew right away that I wanted him as the father of my future children. I was in a coffee shop waiting for my best friend and he was having a refreshing drink.

Many people think that we are rushing the relationship, but why wait if we both know what we want? So we decided to live together and later we will formalize our union before the law and the church.

Two weeks have passed and today we went shopping for some items that I consider essential to live comfortably. We went to a department store that also has a bodegón.

Automatically I made my way to the coffee area, tripped over a market cart and almost fell over, Cristrian took me by the arm and asked if I was okay and then asked the second question.

"Why are you in such a hurry if we are just in the cafe area?"

"Look Cristrian this coffee, it must be new, I haven't tried it. Let's take a few bottles home." I replied excitedly

"Did you notice the price of the coffee? It's kind of expensive since you will only drink it once". Explained Cristian


"Never mind, we will also bring instant coffee to alternate and remember we are out of traditional ground coffee. Let's go to the other aisle for it". I said.

We also need some cups with lids to keep the coffee hot, for when we go out in a hurry and we haven't finished our coffee at home. I commented.


Cristian has proven to be an understanding and accommodating man, with a higher level of patience than mine, but when something bothers him, his face gives it away.

I asked him on several occasions if something was wrong and he replied that it wasn't, but I knew better.

When we got home, after ordering the groceries, I invited him to try one of the four types of coffee we had bought, accompanied by a delicious sweet we had brought from the bakery.


His face did not end up relaxing, I began to drink the coffee and to comment on how good it was and how much I loved coffee.

I also told her that for as long as I can remember, coffee has been an integral part of my daily routine and indispensable in the mornings.

"I wake up, make myself a cup of coffee and feel ready to face the day." I commented.

Then in the afternoon I go back for another cup and if I'm invited to a coffee shop after work, I'm more than happy to accept. I smiled.

Cristian responds. "Yes, I've noticed and I want to take the opportunity to talk about it."

"The truth is that I understand your point of view or I try to understand it, but sometimes I feel ignored over a cup of coffee. In the mornings you are more attentive to the coffee than to me. I feel like you enjoy a sip of that drink more than a kiss from me."

"I don't drink as much coffee as you do and yet I haven't turned it down once, even if I end up pouring it down the drain. It's kind of crazy, but I'm jealous of coffee."

While Cristian was talking, I went to refill my coffee cup, as I had already drank it in its entirety.

"Oh Cristian, how can you be jealous about coffee? It doesn't make sense what you say, I love you and I love drinking coffee, but they are different loves. Believe me the morning coffee fix is better than spending the rest of the day with a woman in a bad mood and completely losing my ability to communicate effectively."

"Regardless, I apologize if you felt left out at any point, it was not my intention. I wish from the bottom of my heart that this relationship works out, we even know what our children will be named."

We kissed passionately and ended up on the living room carpet.

The next day (Sunday), Cristian went out to buy breakfast and surprised me when he brought me a new coffee to try, saying it had been recommended to him at the store. I hugged him and understood that he was betting on the relationship.

After breakfast, I was the one who initiated the conversation with the only topic to discuss...Coffee.

I expressed to him how happy and surprised I was by his attitude regarding my love for coffee, while committing to make an effort so that coffee was not the only thing that occupied my mornings and the rest of the day.


This is my entry for this week's Creative Writing Challenge.

The photos are my own and the templates were made in Canva with the free version.


 last year  

At least you were able to compromise and come up with an understanding.
As they say, all well that ends well:)

Fortunately Cristian is an understanding man 😅

 last year  

Haha! Yeah, that kind of person makes things easier:)