This is an excellent post. Consumers are now becoming more sophisticated in their choices. This probably has to do with the availability of reviews online that teaches us what to look for when engaging with a product or service. Businesses need to pay more careful attention to the little details of the experience, as you indicate.
I find it funny how you suspected that the person wasn't a barista, and then you overheard the conversation over the phone. Hopefully the owners will learn to better manage their coffee shop as they get the hang of it.
It's tougher to run business these days. First, if you're not tech savy, you lost a lot of potential customer. At the same time, if you are tech savy, online reviews are insane. Some people just won't buy stuff if some bad reviews coming over your establishment. It's gonna take a while to build another trust. Also, barista has some sort of vibe around them, generally what I see around is that they are not dressed cheerfully(love to dress in plain dark color pallete), often they look pretty somber and with face projecting secrets. I hardly see any cheerful barista 😂 even the ones at starbucks projects the face of "numb little bug", it's a song btw and quite relatable for many.
Funky beat. Excellent. I know what you mean about the understated color palette of a barista's attire. I wouldn't trust coffee made by some dude dressed in a Hawaiian shirt. :)