Tired of everyday life, the York family moved to the countryside to farm the land and to raise their children in a healthy environment. They bought a house in a rural area with a large plot of land, which was only twenty minutes away from the city center and the children's school. The family was not very big, it was only the mother, the husband, the children, the dog Canela and Charlotte.
The York couple are agricultural engineers. One day, tired of working for other people, they decided to start a business and apply their knowledge to something that was theirs and that could provide stability to the family group.
During the vacation season they were all at home, they sat under the shade of a mango tree drinking coffee while they talked about what each one of them wanted the land they had acquired with so much effort, illusion and love to produce. There were mango, avocado, soursop and loquat trees, but there was still a lot of land left to cultivate.
That afternoon, savoring the delicious coffee that grandmother had prepared, they came to the conclusion that they should plant many fruit trees such as oranges, lemons and guavas, but that they should also venture into planting coffee and see if the land was suitable for growing coffee.
They first dedicated themselves to planting the fruit trees that they had decided to plant, and then chose the perfect site for growing coffee, taking into account various factors such as climate, temperature, humidity and soil type.
They left early one morning to buy some coffee seeds from a local greenhouse and took them home to plant them. Charlotte was in love with the coffee plants and would not let anyone else come near them, since it was her hand and her love that would make them bloom soon and bear the perfect fruit. After a while they began to bloom, producing a magical connection between them and Charlotte.
After caring for them exclusively, Charlotte began to notice something strange about those plants, as if their white flowers were watching her and turning in the direction she was going and she thought it was her imagination.
As the days went by, its fruits began to appear, it was a feast of colors, the white of its flowers and the crimson red color of its fruits. It was as if that coffee plantation was exerting a magical spell on Charlotte that made her stay among them for a long time, since it produced in her a lot of peace and tranquility.
One day, very early in the morning, Charlotte got up to prepare breakfast and her husband, who was in charge of the finances, told me that there was no money to pay the workers to harvest the crops, much less to prepare the chosen land and plant all the space. Charlotte went to the coffee plantation to seek peace and to meditate on the solution to so many problems.
The next day, they awoke to the shouts of workers living in small houses on the same plantation. Come on, everybody! A miracle has just happened! All the coffee is collected in baskets all along the length and breadth of the plantation. Weeks of work done in a single night, how could this happen?
They went running to the site and indeed, everything that worried them was already solved, through the force of nature manifested through the coffee plantation. This is just a sign that one must dare to dream, with the certainty that when one feels and infinitely expands love from the heart, the universe conspires in favor, in this occasion through some magical coffee beans.
- Banner realized in https://www.canva.com/
- Footer realized in https://www.canva.com/
I like all the plans the family had for planting all those healthy food crops :))
Thanks for joining in the challenge this week!
Thank you very much. 🤗
Step 1: Buy self harvesting coffee beans.
Step 2: Fire all workers
Step 3. Pure profit
That's a business I wanna be a part of! 😂🤣
Hahahaha. Excellent ideas.
Now all we need is for a magic machine to brew these self harvesting beans and the Yorks can start a cozy little family run cafeteria 😃
Yes, that would be really spectacular. Thank you very much for reading me.
What a wonderful miracle!!! What a beautiful story. Congratulations!!!
Thank you very much. 🤗