I have been struggling a bit lately, as was reflected in my last post. Luckily I feel better now and I have found some favorite spots here in Malacca, Malaysia. One is a very nice coffee shop called Backlane Coffee. Many places are hard to spot from the street here because they can be 'hidden' inside of another shop. This is the case with this place. From the street, you just see a sign and if you look inside all you see is a shop selling clothes.
But there's so much more to it! Inside that shop is another shop, selling some nice porcelain, glassware, clothing, etc. And inside that shop, there is the coffee place 🙂
I found out from a Google search that this place had oat milk (something I'm always looking for), so that's what brought me there. I was very pleased to discover that the place was almost empty (the first time I was there) and that they played Lana Del Rey. I ordered a hot cappuccino with oat milk and I could feel my body relaxing as I sat down to wait for my coffee. The coffee was the best I have had here in Malacca. It actually helped to change my mood and overall feeling about this town. What a difference great coffee can make!
I went back there yesterday, with a plan to journal. Unfortunately, it wasn't as quiet this time (a family with a loud toddler) and they played Coldplay 😫 (I just can't stand Coldplay). So quite a difference compared to my first visit. But the coffee was still great. (Luckily the family with the toddler left after a while). Coldplay was on repeat though...

The interior has a nice retro feeling but their menu is very modern. They actually also serve some food and I might try that next time (because yes, I'll return for more great coffee 🙂).

I paid about €3 for a cappuccino with oat milk (you always have to pay a bit extra for oat milk). That's more expensive compared to Thailand and actually kind of what you would pay in Berlin.
Anyway, I still don't drink so much coffee. It's kind of an exception for me to have it in the afternoon (as I had on my visits to this place). I guess the 'rule' I follow is that I only have great coffee in the afternoon, haha.
I hope you are enjoying your coffee out there 🙂 Life is too short for bad coffee 😊

Thanks for reading 🌸
Wishing you a lovely day 💚
€3 is quite normal actually. Never been to that restaurant before, but did went to few of those "back alley" restaurants by the river. To be frank, I usually drink the "lifestyle" then great coffee 🤣
I didn't mean to say that €3 for a cappuccino with oat milk wasn't normal 😊
Here's my usual cheap coffee, I order as "kopi o ice kosong". It means iced black coffee no sugar.
It makes sense in a hot climate to drink iced coffee. It's just not my thing.
Thank you 🙂
I love the rule you follow of having only one good coffee in the afternoon 🥰🥰.
Wooow it's quite a challenge to find the places you're looking for over there in Malaysia. If you hadn't walked into that clothing store you wouldn't have stumbled upon that great coffee shop ❤️
It's unfortunate that the second time you didn't enjoy it as much due to external factors but that happens sometimes, so don't be discouraged. Keep going and if they don't stop playing the music you don't like, then take action. It's time to look for another coffee shop 😉.
It was very nice to read you 👏
Thanks for stopping by 🙂 I was actually looking for this particular shop, otherwise I think I would have missed it.
Yes, you are right, if they play Coldplay next time, I will not order anything, haha.
At least the coffee helped you pass the bitter pill of music and noisy people. If the coffee is too good, it is worth going to these busy places.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Good day.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂 I guess that's often the case, if a place has great coffee, it's going to be busy...Let's see how it is next time.
Lana Del Rey, Coldplay, ...?
Challenging IQ test.
A shop inside a shop, inside a shop.
Made me smile :<)
Not sure what you mean? 🙂
The old buildings are built this way here, it's rather fascinating.
I hope you're doing well and have gathered some firewood. (I'm not sure if you saw my comment some time ago).
I meant to say:
What music will they play the third time you enter? ;<)
And I don't remember your firewood comment, might have missed it. Was it on my moving house post?
I got plenty of firewood, delivered by my twin sister and her boyfriend, last Wednesday. I paid them in BTC ;<)
And it's much needed, not because of the cold but humidity. Loads of rain here.
Haha, now I understand. Yes rather challenging 😊
It was this post:
Happy to hear that you have plenty of firewood now. Great to be able to pay in BTC but I wouldn't want to spend any, especially not now.
I don't spend small amounts of it and rewarding my sister ( as she hardly held any ).
In all honesty, I don't believe in just HODLing, I see it as a little economy too and energy has to move )
Will reply to your 3 week old comment a bit later ;<)