The coffee shop blog 30 “ Lovers Blend “

It seems it has been ages since my last blog but time is nothing but an illusion ... we that is what I tend to hope for when I have a busy schedule and I can just slow down time



This lovers blend coffee is a medium to dark roast . Unfortunately the blend dose not give what beans where used for the coffee . There for it will be a pretty good challenge to guess the beans ... I am going to try and guess what beans where used and see if I am correct . The coffee was made I believe for a client as gift to his love so the roasters enjoyed the flavors so much that they decided to place it on their coffee bean menu aswell.


Making the espresso was all set easy and done but now tasting the espresso was something else . I poured the espresso shot and a beautiful pour . The creamer tells me the coffee is pretty fresh and the smell lingering Tells me it is going to be a good coffee to taste . The acidly was medium , smooth and the right amount of balance, I do get floral hints in the coffee aswell . The espresso shot was pretty well balanced . Complex taste but enjoyable and we’ll balance .


The coffee is very pleasant as a milk based drink aswell . Very smooth and no sharp lingering taste . As I would of expected as it is abit of a crazy type of blend . The sweetness in the coffee is really there and as milk has abit of sugar in it, It drives the sweetness of the coffee on my palate where you do not need to add any sugar .


I would say and try and guess the beans used is Ethiopian . Well one of them is Ethiopian. The other I can’t get my head around it but will say maybe Costa Rica . I may need to try way more coffee and maybe I’ll be able to tell what coffees are used in blends .



Breaking down the coffee in my mouth I would say that this is a pleasant coffee to be served specially as a first cup of the morning . I have made this mistake where I drink a lot of a more prominent medium to dark roast then made a cup of the special blend and my taste buds are abit messed up and thought I needed a higher dosage but that was not the case .

Doing the Lovers Blend as a pour over gave me a beautiful complex character. Medium acidity and well balanced flavor. The cup was pretty smooth, I know I put the grind size abit higher to see what I would get but it was missing that acidity and was just pretty bold . It was not bad but just bold , there comes a point where acidity is a good thing especially if it is balanced well . I think perfecting that balance with just your grind size and your brewing method will give your coffee a really good character. The Lovers Blend works well with both espresso and pour over . How ever this coffee is prominent in flavor and unlike the Full City Blend in my shop which has much more a stronger taste, this coffee is not for the usual customer for who want just a strong cup of coffee as what we experience with our clients . I do feel we are making a small conversation to some that have usual just preferred their instant coffee , and to help them understand... “yes coffees have flavors it is not just bitter” ...

Stay caffeinated everyone thank you for reading my blog and staying tuned . -

 2 years ago  

Thank you for stopping by. See you again soon:)

The Coolest.gif

Thank you !!! Seee you soon soon again

 2 years ago  

You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-4.jpg
Image belongs to @millycf1976

Sounds as if you enjoyed both the expresso and the pour over.
Yes, acidity isn’t a bad thing if it’s balanced, as you say. Nice heart-themed pictures; fits well with your “Lovers-blend”

Thank you very much , and I can’t help but always put Latte art on my coffee

 2 years ago  

I think you refine your product every day @meilo1995.
Good on ya! 👏
Welcome back to the blogging world!
Yeah, there were some excellent posts, heh-13.jpg