I sprang outside like it was Spring

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago (edited)

birdy black .jpg

I've been feeling like winter has overstayed its time, as I'm so sick of it now. However, the sun came out today, and the air was mild, so I felt pretty optimistic.

As I stood by my bedroom window, I saw this beautiful bird chilling on the floating pontoon in the Llangollen Basin Visitor Moorings. It was perched at that one spot long enough as if it was saying "come have a coffee and bread with me." Well, that's what I heard; so I put the kettle on, made myself a coffee and an open face cheese sandwich and fruit... I was eager to use my new hand-embroidered tablecloth, and of course get closer to the sun.

The look of Spring

Speaking of something that reminds me of spring, is this lovely hand embroidery table cloth that I bought at one of the many little independently-owned vintage shops in the town of Llangollen, Wales.


I tend to go for plain, neutral earthy colours, but somehow this design, colour, and fabric is reminiscent of ones I made with my sisters back in high school.
I have pillowcases in my mum's "good drawer"...you know that drawer where items that are regarded as precious go? Items that never get used, and just keep up space? (My mum still has that crowded drawer in her bedroom).

This tablecloth made me think just how global the world is. To think that these designs and patterns were made by my sister and I, all the way in Jamaica, yet here I was thousands of miles away in a small, charming, historic town in Wales, holding this individual tablecloth.

I smiled as I spotted this item neatly folded in a wicker basket, and I grinned when I saw the £1.00 price tag.

Pre-loved items

I see pre-loved items as "new to me items."

Why shouldn't I buy this tablecloth because it's not brand new?

Do you think going into a posh shop that sells handmade items, with a price tag of £28.00 would have made it more attractive and precious to me?

NO! it would not.

I selected that random price because I do a lot of eye shopping in fancy stores and I'm familiar with current prices. I know of common marketing and psychological tricks that manufacturers and companies play on ignorant consumers.
I've also seen persons pick up items like these celebrating the "under £30" bargain that they fool themselves into thinking they got.

I know this tablecloth has a story, a history behind it, and the person who stitched it.

I imagined the pride and joy the person must have felt with every stitch that completed the pattern.

Touching the table cloth, sparked joy within me. A got a truly positive vibe from it. The design and colours gave me hope that trees will bloom again and very soon I'll see pretty flowers growing wild.

The tablecloth made my coffee and snack feel more wholesome, and everything felt right.

While dining, a few locals went by with their dogs and we said hello, and exchanged pleasantries. Of course they admire the fact that this beautiful tourist destination that's super crowded during the summer is my temporary home for a few nights before I move on.

this collage wales.jpg

A lady went by with her son. They both had ice cream cones, and we all marvelled at how awesome it is to be having ice cream in February.

We were all optimistic about the weather and the change of season coming.

Do you love the feel and smell of spring in the air?
Do you like to have coffee al fresco during the springtime?

I do! Spring spurs me to "spring clean" and take stock of the things that mean value to me.
Springtime for me, is when I love to prepare simply little meals and use my favourite coffee crockery, and now my new precious tablecloth, a souvenir that will always give me happy memories of Wales.

I'd love to hear what your favourite season is, and what are some of the things on your agenda for Spring? or whichever season you might be experiencing in your part of the world.

Thanks for reading, have a lovely day!

All images are mine



Hola mi amiga bella @millycf1976 Te saludo con respeto y afecto desde la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Siempre es un placer leer tus publicaciones, cargadas de originalidad, creatividad, armonía, sencillez, naturaleza, amor y paz... entre otros valores. No puedo responderte lo de las estaciones del año porque aquí solo tenemos dos y donde vivo casi siempre una, somos un país tropical; aunque Venezuela tiene valles, montañas, llanuras, selva y como dice la canción hasta nieve en los picos merideños. Nuestra temperatura y clima varía dependiendo el lugar donde vivamos o visitemos. Volviendo a tu publicación, el mantel es hermoso, su diseño, color y por lo que puedo ver su textura lo hacen ideal para el fin que lo utilizaste. Ahora bien, lo mas importante de tu publicación es que te sentiste bien con el rayo de Sol que te regaló el cielo. Veo que eres sensible a lo hermoso, eres una mujer con espíritu elevado, observo tu gran sencibilidad o mejor dicho observo que eres una gran mujer, con excelente capacidad para percibir sensaciones a través de los sentidos, o para sentir moralmente. Eres una buena persona, eres un ser de luz, aprovecha tu carisma y esos dones que Dios te regaló. Sigue bien, sigue existeiendo, sigue por el camino de la luz. Recibe un fuerte y caluroso abrazo espiritual, cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz. ¡Disfruta y ama, como Dios quiere... vive con intensidad y se feliz!

NOTA: Al cajón donde se guarda todo lo de valor, aquí se le llama Baúl, mi mamá tenía uno, los hay de distinto material, tamaño y diseño, generalmente parece un cofre de piratas jejejejeje.


Hello my beautiful friend @millycf1976 I greet you with respect and affection from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. It is always a pleasure to read your publications, loaded with originality, creativity, harmony, simplicity, nature, love and peace... among other values. I cannot answer you about the seasons of the year because here we only have two and where I almost always live one, we are a tropical country; although Venezuela has valleys, mountains, plains, jungle and, as the song says, even snow on the peaks of Merida. Our temperature and climate varies depending on where we live or visit. Returning to your publication, the tablecloth is beautiful, its design, color and from what I can see its texture make it ideal for the purpose you used it for. Now, the most important thing about your publication is that you felt good with the ray of sunshine that heaven gave you. I see that you are sensitive to beauty, you are a woman with a high spirit, I observe your great sensitivity or rather I observe that you are a great woman, with an excellent capacity to perceive sensations through the senses, or to feel morally. You are a good person, you are a being of light, take advantage of your charisma and those gifts that God gave you. It continues well, it continues to exist, it continues on the path of light. Receive a strong and warm spiritual hug, full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light. Enjoy and love, as God wants... live intensely and be happy!

NOTE: The drawer where everything of value is kept, here it is called a Trunk, my mom had one, there are different materials, sizes and designs, it generally looks like a pirate chest hehehehehe.

 3 years ago  

Hello @marcosmilano71,

Your message fills me up with so much light 🙏

Yes, I am a sensitive being who feels and senses things easily. I tend to apply mindfulness and the use of all my senses with everything I do, and I'm very much in tune and easily influenced by the environment around me.

I understand the absence of seasons in tropical countries, as it's the same in Jamaica, and more recent the Philippines where I lived for seven years...It's mostly wet and dry season😁

Funnily, I am very fond of Pirate's Chests and wooden boxes. I've always loved them. However, I prefer to keep every day items in them, than things that never get used.

I hope you're having a pleasant Sunday, and all good wishes for a lovely week;)

Amen beautiful friend and equally to you. Happy Sunday and have a great week.

 3 years ago  


We don't have the four seasons here in the Philippines. I do wish we do though so feel how Spring would feel after a Winter or pretend it's Spring despite the Winter's overstay. I'm not sure if four-season countries also get envious of the tropical countries like us - I bet not, because I can imagine how hot and humid it would feel. But you've been here, right? How was it?

 3 years ago  

Hello @eudadol 😁

It took me a while to enjoy all the seasons since I'm from a tropical country just like the Philippines (same humidity and same average temperatures all year). However, now I see the beauty in all of them and just how much of an impact the change of season has on one's outlook.
Yes, I think you would like to experience Spring because the air is so fresh, and you feel like you have a new lease on life. The blooming of flowers and seeing trees regain their leaves reminds you that feelings of despair or the ebbs and flows of life are natural and only temporary. Winter, I believe is a great time for introspection. I honestly wish I could hibernate during this period, however, now I embrace it more, and see a beautiful side to the nature during winter. Summers can be just like being in the tropics, but I think in the tropics you might have more devices to keep cool, or the lovely sea, whereas here, people are not so prepared and can find the heat overbearing. Autumns are cool and bring out warm caring feelings and positive emotions too.

However, when I'm in a tropical country, I never feel like I miss the seasons...while someone from somewhere like the UK might miss the seasons if they spend long periods in the tropics.

I hope you're doing well, and I thank you for stopping by my post 😊

That's amazing. If I ever do spend some time abroad for work to study, it'd be exciting to have those seasons.

I am doing well, thank you. I hope you are doing well as well.

 3 years ago  

Yes, I'm doing well:)

Every season has its charm and your place looks very fresh and relaxing! Maybe the thing that I dislike most is the extreme summer heat. Here, where I live, the spring is most beautiful with the roses blooming. Everywhere is green while the valley is pink!

Your cloth makes coffee and the snack look very charming!

I never thought you were Jamaican! Jamaica is one of the countries that I really want to visit one day. Also, your music had a big impact in my late teenage years. I still tend to listen Bob Marley when I need some good vibes!

Best wishes!

 3 years ago  

oh, sorry I missed this comment!

Yes, I'm an authentic Jamaican! Made in Jamaica:)
I feel honoured to hear that our music had an impact on you, especially from someone with your background, as I'm sure you've been exposed to many different genres and cultural music.
I always feel good when listening to Bob Marley too, and I have a great liking for Jimmy Cliff - whose music has helped to inspire and kept me through different stages of my life 😁
Best wishes for you too:)

And since we are in the coffee topic, I have to mention that one of the most iconic coffee varieties is from Jamaica - Blue mountain coffee! I have had such one a couple of times and it’s very tasteful and unique.

Have a nice week!

 3 years ago  

Yes, our Blue Mountain Coffee has such a distinct flavour; Shame it's so expensive in most places. It's coming up to eight years, and this is the longest period that I've been away from Jamaica. I'll have a lot of adjustments to make when I go back because of how much the places have changed.
I do miss the food, music and the people, and my first next trip abroad should be there of course:)
All the best to you too!

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much too.
I think the table cloth brightens the setting and adds charm as you've mentioned. I've been on the lookout for one for some time. This one is a perfect size too.

I never thought I'd say this being from Jamaica and a true lover of sunshine. However, I agree that summer can be unbearable at times. It's harder to make yourself cool compared to making yourself warm. I'm not a fan of air conditioning, so I always only use an electric fan. In the summertime, there are many bugs and mosquitoes, especially on the canals where I live.

Over the years, I have come to appreciate dry heat over humidity. My first experience of Spring was in the Netherlands, where they have so many tulips and it's perfect to have picnics by the lake and see the windmill houses with fields of yellow grass :)

It was a very beautiful day today, albeit a little chilly. The blossoms are starting to bloom and many trees in my neighbourhood are taking on that white and pink fluffy look :)

Sadly, however, we're back to rain for a few days until next week when the sunshine shall hopefully return. They forecast may be wrong though.

What a delightful post. I love all the photos :)

 3 years ago  

Hey Adé,

Thank you for your lovely feedback:) I'm happy you enjoyed my post and I hope it gave you hope that more of your trees will continue to fluff with each coming day!

Yes, the last two days have been lovely this side too. However, we can't be fooled just yet, as you still need to wear a coat.

Are you still on your coffee-hiatus? How's it going, or did it go?

Today is my last coffee hiatus day. I was (pleasantly) surprised to remember just this morning that February only has 28 days 😅. It's March tomorrow and I'm going to have my first sip since the 1st of Jan. I'm excited to see what hidden flavours I'll pick up having now been totally desensitised to coffee!

 3 years ago  

Yes, that's amazing! Kudos for sticking to your goal.
I'd love to hear about your experience over the last 2 months, and it will be interesting to know how you feel after your first cup:)
Looking forward to hearing about it.

(...and yes, it gone grey with rain clouds here this morning).

Coffee must have tasted better with the weather and the tablecloth reminding of the summer days. I can't believe we were so lucky with the warmth and clear sky these past two days.
Also, you live on the boat!!! How cool is that?!

 3 years ago  

Exactly! We've been so lucky with the weather.
Yes, the sun and tablecloth made my coffee afternoon feel extra special.
It's like I have to entire Llangollen Basin to myself for 4 days. Yes, boatlife is awesome even with it's ongoing challenges sometimes:)
Thanks for stopping by!

Hi @millycf1976, Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content. For more information visit our discord https://discord.gg/8CVx2Am

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much @teamuksupport for your continuous support. It's highly appreciated:)

I love all the seasons but I also get bitten by the spring clean bug! I'm busy decorating and trying to de-clutter. I get bored easily so I just do a bit at a time. It's taking me ages. 😁

 3 years ago  

I can so relate to that.
It's not a bad idea to do it in stages, as different ideas will pop up. It also gives you the time to think and make the right decisions about what you discard.

The brighter mornings are making such a difference to my mood. I'm looking forward to many more:)

Have a lovely Sunday afternoon!

You too. I’ve just ordered a takeaway for my efforts. 🙂

 3 years ago  

Haha! I hope they won't disappoint. Easy night for us too.
Just gonna stick a pizza in the oven...and voila!

Bon appétit!

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 3 years ago  

Your support is appreciated, always:)Thank you so much @ewkaw and the @qurator team.

You're very welcome :)

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Thanks for the reminder about my own profile map. I'll make sure to update it:)

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Thanks for your notification @hivebuzz. I'll check out your latest post, and yes...have already voted for your proposal:)

You're welcome @millycf1976, thanks for your implication 😊

@millycf1976 i am exactly the same hahaha I love finding stuff at good prices at charity shops or vintage shops , sometime you get phenomenal items at a good price !! I love that

That’s a beautiful set up!! For a relaxing day !!!