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RE: My Kids Drive Me to Drink

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago

Hello @crosheille, what a lovely story! There are so many parallels in your story to mine. I guess coffee creeps into our lives and the rest is history. I totally relate to what you said about not wanting to be dependent on coffee. I respect people who rely on coffee, but I try to maintain a certain discipline.
Now that it's cold, as you've said, I see how strong I am. I used to be an avid healthy tea drinker, but honestly tea doesn't do much for me these days; I need my coffee! Also, now I prefer it black:)
An official welcome to our community, it's great to have you a part of the gang of coffee lovers😍
Please feel at home 🤗


Hello @millycf1976! Thank you so much! Yes, it definitely crept into mine. I’m right there with ya on trying to maintain a certain discipline. 😄

Oh wow! I’ve tried it black before and just couldn’t do it. That’s how my MIL prefers it too.

Thank you very much for the sweet and warm welcome to the Community. I look forward to mingling with other coffee lovers and learning more interesting things about my new best friend named joe. 😆

Enjoy your weekend ~

 3 years ago  

See you around :)