Hello Mac,
This post gave me goosebumps, as I totally get your personal connection with hive.
There are so many credible points in what you've said about hive, and I'm not on the onboarding program either, but try my best to inform and get others to at least check Hive out.
I think your growth on Hive is amazing. You're a clever person!
I know you're tech savvy, so it's no surprise that you discovered and experimented with Hive at a young age.
Thanks for sharing this awesome post with the community 😍
Ah yes, Hive is very very personal to me. It's like my online diary that shows my retrogression or even the progress I have in my life. I knew that one day, I'd find the people who loves coffee as much as I do. Now with community features, it makes it easier to find coffee heads and coffee snobs 😂