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RE: Coffee with a View : Vintgar Gorge in Slovenia ☕️

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee4 months ago

 You made my heart go giddy-up.jpg

Coffee in nature is simply the best. What stunning views there!
I'd love to visit that part of the world someday and the coffee looks delightful so I'm even more excited.
Seems you went at a perfect time of year, and I like how green and lush the surroundings are.
All the photos are stunning, but there's something special about the last one with the train track.

It's always great to see you pop by, and I wish you a lovely weekend:)))


Hey Milly! Thank u for your lovely comment 🫶.
In my opiniom, I recevied a good amount of comments here in the community, and it feels so lovely! That means you're doing such a great job here and the community seems friendly and engaged! I like this very much. 😍

Slovenia has some really beautiful spots, same as Austria...or France or Italy. Ahhh...not to mention Switzerland 😆.
It is indeed very beautiful in these parts of the world! I have a lot to visit myself!

And Yes, early June was perfect because it wasnt too hot. To be honest, now that I think about, it couldnt been better!

Sorry I'm late replying, I have had a very lovely weekend, thank you! 💓
Hope u did too? 😚

For me, Lovely = relaxing = long sleep 😆😆😆

That was the best part of this weekend, the looooong sleep. I so needed it! Considering that in a month, my sleep will be.....TOO interrupted again, for exactly Idk how many years! 🥹🫥🫠😅😁

Plus, we were eating out, meeting friends, meeting family, also going to cinema, we saw the Gladiator 2. I dont know if u enjoy movies and if u do, if you'd love this one.
So yeah, my weekend was relaxing and overall a good one. Almost lazy 😁😅

Hugs from Romania 💓🫶

 3 months ago  


Sorry for my very late comment!🙏

I'm pleased you caught up with some sleep, because it's so important, especially during these winter months.

It's great that you're catching up with family.

Slovenia has some really beautiful spots, like Austria...or France or Italy. Ahhh...not to mention Switzerland 😆.

These are ALL countries that I hope to visit someday. I honestly can't believe I haven't made it to any of them yet.

I hope that you and your cat family are all doing well and that it's not too cold.

Sending hugs from the UK 😍💓

Hey there! Dont worry 🥰🥰 .
Even if you hadnt written back this comment, I wouldnt have mind. I KNOW life gets busier and sometimes there's just too much, and sometimes a comment or a few are on top on what we can deal with 😅😊😉.

Yeah...well, about my cats. They're fine, but we do have one boy cat missing. And its alsmost 2 weeks since we last saw I'm not sure we'll see him anymore.
But I'm ok with it. I cant deal with this at the moment, and plus ,its just how it is. What can we do? I'm just sad because this cat was my son's favorite and he's suffering when remembers that Micky's not to be seen again.

Its not too cold yet, but it will be. We usually have cold temp especially in January. But by that time I will be too buzy anyways to even get out of the house, so I'm expecting to not feel the cold as usual).
(P.S. I am pregnant and in December I'm having the due date, so January will be a month staying just in the comfort of our house, with a newborn baby). Hehe 😁🙃💙

So in case I'm not active anymore, just know I'm around but my time and energy are...somewhere else 😅😅😅

Hugs 🥰🥰🥰

 3 months ago  

Oh, that's sweet news. Congratulations❤️😍
Now I understand about your irregular sleep patterns.

I'm sorry to hear about your tomcat, and I hope your son will process the loss soon.

It's good that you'll be home with the baby when the weather gets severe. Oh, I'm excited for you... I don't know why this caught me by such a surprise.
I hate being outdoors this time of the year, but we'll be cruising for the next 5 days, so I was busy doing laundry and chores today.
Hubby and I will be celebrating our 16th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, so we hope to get to a nice spot to moor up 😍

Take care of yourself!

Hugs 😍🤗😘

Oooooh, Happy Anniversary to you both! Cruising sounds lovely! 💙💙💙
I wish u a really good time and enjoy it! 🥰🥰
No wonder you were buzy!

Oh, that's sweet news. Congratulations❤️😍

ALSO thank you!🤗
I told this to just a handful of friends here on hive, maybe four or five. I didnt post about it, so you couldnt have known! But thanks, I can feel you're happy for me so thank you! 🥰🥰 I am too! I wanted a second baby for some time..
And yes, thats why I mentioned about the nights I wont get much sleep or any? 😌😅 Uffff, this isnt something I'm looking up for. 😂
Caleb is born in January so I know there's a sort of different comfort having a baby in the cold season. You feel cozy at home and there's nothing else to do outside anyways. You get to enjoy the first months without many distractions that usually happen in summer. I mean summer life is different than winter season.

And about the cat, we dont know for sure he's dead. Its just that he didnt come home...maybe someone took him because he was too friendly and also very handsome. And Loki Floki kind of chased him away from our yard (for territorial reasons) and Miki used to stay more near the house, but in the street area. So maybe someone took him or he found other house to leave...he still used to come to eat so...Idk. maybe he'll come home in a few days.

Dont write back if u dont have time, I get it! I know I can write long comments sometimes, and maybe even a bit irrelevant, its just me. I talk too much in real life , just so you know. 😃😃🫠 but what I'm trying to say its that I enjoy chatting with you, always! 🤗

 3 months ago  

Don't write back if u don't have time, I get it!

😍 Your entire comment made me smile.

I'm super elated by the news because although I don't have maternal instincts and I'm not a mum, I am pro-life (not pro-birth)... and I can tell from reading that you're a GREAT mum. The world needs more like you.

It would be excellent if the cat returned... but I'm sure that Loki does miss him 😆

Happy Anniversary to you both

Thank you 😊

Look at me now! 9 days late with a reply..🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ and no, I didnt have my baby yet. 🤣
I just have had a full week of everything.

Thank you so so so so much for your words, you are the sweetest! Thank you Milly! I'm not saying I am a great mom, But for sure I'm trying my best here. Somedays I fail, somedays I rock 🤣🤣🤣.

Joking aside, how was your cruise trip? How are you now? 🤗