
That's great, I went to work instantly by checking coffee songs that exist already to find the perfect music for it. I'm already inspired but have to focus on some other things first, lol. Leaving this open for later. Very cool!

 2 years ago  

Haha! I did the same last night, and all I ended up with was corny lines that made me laugh myself to sleep 🤣

At least it gave you that!
I have a few good rhymes in my head now I hear this song all day probably, just need to make it rhyme and come together haha..

I have not been as excited about a contest as I am about this for a long time, thank you for giving me a spark today!


 2 years ago  

You're very welcome.
I have a feeling that you'll end up with a masterpiece 🤗

LOL, thanks for the extra pressure :)
(and encouraging words, of course)


 2 years ago  

Hehe! I know that you can handle it 😆✊


LOL, I'm probably a better poker player than a songwriter, but I accept the challenge as it's a fun one and I love being inspired by creative ideas/contests.
