Whooohh! 😬 That sounds...a bit frightening, really. 😁
I guess you're used to that environment but aren't you afraid to have encounters with snakes and spiders? The deadly ones.
When I was little, the only thing I could possibly imagine hearing Australia was snakes and spiders.
Now I only imagine cool beaches and deep blue waters. 😆 (and sometimes, mean kangaroos). I guess I saw too many videos with them being agressive and now I have the impression they're just like that...impredictible and possibly aggresive.
I don't like snakes or spiders at all, creepy bloody things! But it's something I've gotten used to. Most people here would never see a snake in the wild, they don't really live int he cities where most of the people are, but I go to remote areas so I see them. Spiders are everywhere though.
Yep, and sharks, crocodiles and irukandji and other things as well. still, it's the best country to live in.
Beaches...we have so many and all of them are pretty incredible...and don't worry about those kangaroo videos, I've lived here all my life and spent a lot of it in remote outback areas and have never seen an aggressive one, or heard of a person who has. What you see on YouTube or wherever is isolated incidents.
Sorry for my late reply! We've had a busy day yesterday in Warsaw!
Thanks for clearing things up 😋, though I had to google the irukandji word 🙈.
Well, what can I say? I think Australia is beautiful and I really hope we would visit some parts of Australia one day and see friendly kangaroos. Hehe, just kidding.
It's beautiful for sure, and everyone needs to cuddle a koala once in their life. On the irukandji...I hope you never meet one.
It's beautiful for sure, and everyone needs to cuddle a koala once in their life. On the irukandji...I hope you never meet one.
Well, the koala thing sounds adorable! 🐨🤍
Something to be experienced for sure.