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RE: "Working" at the Coffee Shop

One additional note about your coffee ritual - Lay off the zero or diet drinks homie. I know your working on a diet and getting healthy, but those things eat our testosterone (typo fuck it) and bones...seriously

Break this, I got hurt 2x by a trailer falling on me and it ended my military career basically. However since I was unable to exercise coupled with mentally being upset at losing all my gains, I spiraled in to a semi fat blob that I am working on destroying today.

I found out tha all the soda I drank (diet/zero) had cause additional problems with spiral, and now my recovery. So I've cut it out almost completely. Special occasions Ill get some at a dinner, but I stick to water and lightly sweetended tea.


I agree 100% and I'm definitely working on it. When I went carnivore, I came off them completely and then after about a year I let them slowly work their way back in. Thanks for the advice and comment!