[EN/ID] Coffee Plus Board Game

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago

Coffee and Board Game, very suitable to be friends when experiencing a hectic life. Coffee has become a favorite friend who is always a friend to talk to. Many people even like to spend time in coffee shops just to chat to relieve the burden after facing busy weeks with friends and family.

Kopi dan Board Game, sangat cocok untuk menjadi teman dikala mengalami kepenatan hidup. Kopi sudah menjadi teman favorit yang selalu menjadi teman bicara. Banyak orang bahkan suka untuk menghabiskan waktu mereka di kedai kopi sekedar untuk bercengkrama melepas beban mereka setelah menghadapi minggu-minggu padat bersama teman maupun keluarga.


Taking time to unwind is something that needs to be done in order to enjoy life not only working but also socializing with the outside environment. Well, in this case coffee is always the first choice, especially for young people to gather together. Besides being able to make the atmosphere relaxed, coffee can also always provide peace in lonely times. Even so, from coffee there are also many things that we can learn about life and feelings.

Meluangkan waktu untuk melepas penat merupakan hal yang perlu dilakukan agar dapat menikmati hidup tidak hanya bekerja namun juga bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan luar. Nah dalam hal ini, kopi selalu menjadi pilihan utama apalagi bagi anak muda untuk berkumpul bersama. Selain dapat menyatukan suasana, kopi juga selalu dapat memberikan ketenangan di kala sepi. Meskipun begitu, dari kopi juga banyak hal yang dapat kita petik dalam memaknai hidup dan juga perasaan.


Kopi Gulo Ireng, is one of the favorite coffee shops among young people, located in the middle of Perbanas Institute, the prestigious finance banking and informatics institute in Jakarta, Indonesia. We always make time to play board games together while enjoying coffee at an affordable price.

Kopi Gulo Ireng, adalah salah satu toko kopi favorit kalangan anak muda yang berlokasi di tengah Universitas Perbanas, lembaga keuangan perbankan dan informatika bergengsi di Jakarta, Indonesia. Kami selalu menyempatkan waktu untuk bermain boardgame bersama sambil ditemani nikmatnya kopi dengan harga yang terjangkau.


Since the Corona outbreak, the Indonesian government has given orders to carry out the teaching and learning process at home and this policy has a direct impact on small industries. Kopi Gulo Ireng adjusted the situation by moving the location of the coffee shop to the South Tangerang area and always following the health protocols from the government by only serving online purchases.

Sejak wabah corona, pemerintah Indonesia memberikan perintah untuk melakukan proses belajar mengajar di rumah dan kebijakan ini memberikan dampak langsung terhadap industri kecil. Kopi Gulo Ireng menyesuaikan keadaan dengan memindahkan lokasi toko kopi ke daerah Tangerang Selatan dan selalu mengikuti protokol kesehatan dari pemerintah dengan hanya melayani pembelian secara online.


Creativity is the key to success in the midst of the depressed coffee processing business due to the declining level of coffee consumption, both domestically and abroad. Creativity is also what keeps the coffee processing business continuity in the midst of the threat of bankruptcy due to the corona outbreak. Kopi Gulo Ireng will always provide a variety of interesting drinks and food that you can try if you are in Jakarta.

Kreativitas merupakan kunci kesuksesan di tengah tertekannya bisnis pengolahan kopi akibat menurunnya tingkat konsumsi kopi, baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Kreativitas pula yang membuat kelangsungan bisnis pengolahan kopi tetap terjaga di tengah ancaman gulung tikar akibat wabah corona. Kopi Gulo Ireng akan selalu memberikan berbagai minuman serta makanan menarik yang kalian dapat coba jika berada di daerah Jakarta dan sekitarnya.


You can check more detail on Instagram Kopi Gulo Ireng

Lihat lebih detail di Instagram Kopi Gulo Ireng


Favorite quote about coffee:

QuoteQuote favorite tentang kopi:

" Live your life like drinking a cup of coffee, take it slow until you feel the pleasure of spending it "

“ Jalanilah hidupmu seperti halnya menghabiskan secangkir kopi, nikmati pelan-pelan sampai kau merasakan kenikmatan dalam menghabiskanya ”



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 3 years ago  

We appreciate your participation:)Thanks for joining the contest @navre.

thank you for letting me join your contest 😀

 3 years ago  

The beauty! But I still like to make coffee myself at home - black with cinnamon and lemon. I wish you to take a worthy place when you participate in the competition. Thanks.

thanks for your support 😀 your recipe about black with cinnamon and lemon, looks interesting, but in my opinion there are some arabica coffee beans that will produce the same after taste as citrus lemon