Today I bought this coffee in the supermarket, it has a value of approximately 1.5$ for 100gr, I can not miss coffee, as at home I am the only one who consumes it, it lasts me 3 days, but at my mom's house 100gr are consumed daily,
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I don't know what the economy is like where you are, but $1.5 for 100 gr sounds decent to me...
That's really cheap actually, is the name Madrid or are you actually in Madrid? I expect it to be much more expensive there :)
That is the name of the coffee, I am in Venezuela, I was taking out the account and in coffee I only have a monthly expense of 20$.
Yeah I figured that would be the case, because for 1,55 I don't think we even have a very cheap brand here. But I admit that I'm also not 100% sure about today's coffee prices (only of these cups that we drink lol).
20 bucks a month sounds not cheap to me but I know the economical situation can't be compared with Spain. I don't keep track how many of these cups we drink but I'd say 2/3 min to 4 max a person a day here. So it adds up for us.. Well worth it though :)
The economy is very different as well as the income of an average worker, here there are many brands of coffee, I don't know the price of instant coffee, it is definitely worth it.
At my mom's house they have an income with coffee from the amount of times I see them drink it a day, they think it's juice hahaha.
Yeah I can't even imagine living with such wages as in Venezuela but I also never lived in such a country. It's great that you can still drink coffee though, I kind of expected it to be a too expensive luxury item for people in Venezuela. In the end, it probably is a luxury thing as you can perfectly live without it :) But we coffee lovers don't want to haha.
Have a nice weekend!
Yeah, I always find it amazing that despite the economic situation in Venezuela, people can go to a local supermarket and have a wide array of coffee to choose from at a relatively decent price. The economy in Jamaica is bad, and if you want decent coffee which is the Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, one of the most expensive coffees in the world, you are going to leave a hole in your pocket.
Luckily, Jamaicans love tea. Tea is the cure-all medicine in Jamaica, and they are big into bush tea as well:)
There was a time when it was not like that, in spite of being a coffee producing country, you could only find it on the black market at exorbitant prices, there were even people who were in charge of roasting country flour and sold it as coffee, the taste was horrible, now you can get a variety but you have to invest your time and money,
Money laundering makes it possible most of the time. You could guess that easily if you visited us. I can find fancy brands in my hometown which is like the last corner of the world. But you will never see Lavazza here, for example. You'll find what snobs like best though. Sorry for being that honest; I think my coffee might've too strong this morning.
Jamaica is not far from here. I have so many romantic ideas about Jamaica; tea by the sea sounds lovely to me ❤️🌞
It is not easy but you always find a way to buy coffee and it is not a luxury item what you have to have is your money for your coffee, live without coffee noooooo hahahaha happy weekend
Haha, I get it, it gives you a happy feeling when enjoying a good cup. Enjoy!
You must be killin' it out here!
5.000 PIMP@thisismylife just slapped you with , @nill2021.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/3 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
I think Instant coffee is way overpriced. I don't buy it, but when I see the price of it on the shelves I think it's crazy. Definitely for people who are not real coffee lovers, who can drink an insipid drink filled with milk and sugar.😅
Instant coffee is just an ingredient for cakes 🤣🤣🤣 Some people think it's real coffee.
I do have instant coffee sometimes 🙈
😅I concur with all of that ✅
That coffee here is very expensive, I really don't make that investment, I prefer to prepare it in my coffee brewer that I am sure I will enjoy it.
I agree, and I believe that more people should start doing so, as maybe that would be a way to regulate coffee prices somehow.
A coffee shop habit in the UK would be an expensive one to maintain. However, young people still factor it into their monthly budgets. I am at an age where I no longer squander money 😆
Yeah, for the name alone, it would be way more expensive in the UK too:)
When everyone drinks coffee there are no grams that last, in my house many times there were fights over who finished the coffee, but then everything returned to normal when our mother brewed more delicious coffee.☕
Good day.
Hahahahaha it's true, that's how it is at my mom's house, we all drink coffee, no gram is enough, tell me when we have family reunions, it's over in the blink of an eye.
Así me pongo yo cuando no he tomado café jejejeje
That's $15 a kilo of ground coffee! For me, that's super expensive. Small bags increase the cost a lot.
Café Madrid used to be good; I haven't tried it in a while, a while equivalent to two decades perhaps 🙈🤣 Wow! I'll buy some when I see it!
Well here they add the price if 100gr has a value of 1.5 they multiply it would be equal to 1000gr 15$.
I went to the store but didn't see any Café Madrid. I might find it tomorrow in a different store 😌
I bought it in a Chinese supermarket hahaha they had several types of coffee until fame of America this no longer tastes the same, although it retains the aroma.
The economy here is difficult, it is not the price of the coffee but the cat you make and the time it lasts, here the prices are expressed in dollars but that is not our official currency, 1.5$ would be like 50 bolivars that changes every day, but if you are a coffee lover the important thing is to wake up with your good cup.
The worst year was 2016. I remember they made fake coffee from beans and barks. It was awful. We reduced our intake to one little cup per day, which was what we could afford if we wanted to have real coffee even if it wasn't so good.
Yes, my morning coffee makes my day, always that is good 🤎
Yes, they cheated with that coffee that tasted like a stick, at home we also reduced the intake to once a day and my mother recycled the coffee grounds hahaha.
For a country with a strong coffee culture and economic turmoil, I think it's expensive, especially considering money exchange rates. However, it is cheaper compared to other places.
As you say though, waking up to a good cup of coffee matters:)
The situation here is difficult, especially because of the purchasing power of the working class, whose income does not exceed $100 per month, it is a high price to pay, but it is worth it.
That income sounds really low, indeed and I think that coffee shop outings would indeed be a massive expense to factor in.
It is difficult to go out to a cafeteria with those salaries, you would have to use at least 25% of your monthly income.
25% of any monthly income is a big sacrifice 🤗
You have to save to be able to treat yourself
That's a good deal, and I think the quality of coffee across Venezuela is pretty good since it's so competitive.
If I travelled there, I would try to stock up a good amount to take back home:)
Here there is a wide variety of coffee to choose from, as well as some of the best