Otherwise, I would leave feeling dissatisfied and like I wasted my money.
The idea is to enjoy the moment, no loud music, the idea is to listen to each other, there are people who like to read there, I agree with you.
Otherwise, I would leave feeling dissatisfied and like I wasted my money.
The idea is to enjoy the moment, no loud music, the idea is to listen to each other, there are people who like to read there, I agree with you.
That's true and I also hate large groups who takeover with unnecessarily loud conversations without consideration for other customers.
Without counting those who bring children and let them run and scream all over the cafeteria, it is super uncomfortable, I prefer to leave the place.
That's just the worst torture, and I prefer to leave also 😡
Loud music, loud people, and screaming children make me get of the coffee shop immediately. Coffee time is special, more if you have to pay 4 to 5 times the cost per cup.
I could not agree with you more and we should not let others ruin our experiences when we pay that amount of money.
Coffee Shop owners need to be mindful of these things.
Hahahahaha definitely paying to have a coffee with stress is no good hahaha.
No, not at all. Although a little noise is good sometimes; I've heard some very interesting gossip in coffee shops; some people talk louder than they should 🤭🤣