Wow estoy realmente sorprendida con tu reseña y hay varias cosas que me generan curiosidad.
En el momento que vi la foto del café Oma realmente me alegré porque es una de las marcas colombianas de producción masiva que más consumo. La otra es Juan Valdés que es muy famosa pero esa logro conseguirla fuera de cColombia sin problema, en cambio Oma no se consigue fuera, es por eso que cuando alguien viene de Colombia siempre me traen un paquete de Kilo igual que ese.
Obviamente es cuestión de gustos y que no a todo el mundo tiene que parecerle todo igual de maravilloso. Pero mientras te leía fui justamente a oler el paquete de ese que estoy usando ahora a ver si es que yo no había puesto cuidado pero la verdad es que me pareció bastante correcto
Es verdad que en cafés de especialidad y producción mas pequeñas puedes apreciar olores y sabores mas complejos, ricos y con mucho más gusto. Eso es realmente lo que hace a Colombia tan famosa, pero dificilmente los conseguirian en un supermercado.
Yo el Oma lo ultilizo para hacer café de filtro tipo Guayoyo, como se dice en Venezuela y resulta bastante bueno para ese fin. Me imagino que en una maquina automatica de espresso el sabor sería muy potente, creo que la cuestión está en el método de elaboración. Aquí pensando en tu experiencia, pero es solo una idea.
Bueno creo que al final lo importante es que él tuvo ese bonito gesto contigo y buscó la manera de llevarte un recuerdo especial con el dinero que le quedaba. Es una experiencia para haber probado una marca distinta y saber que cosas no te gustan para futuras referencias jajaja
Wow I am really surprised with your review and there are several things I am curious about.
The moment I saw the photo of Oma coffee I was really happy because it is one of the Colombian mass-produced brands that I consume the most. The other one is Juan Valdés which is very famous but I can get it outside of Colombia without any problem, on the other hand Oma is not available abroad, that's why when someone comes from Colombia they always bring me a package of Kilo just like that one.
Obviously it is a matter of taste and that not everyone has to find everything equally wonderful. But while I was reading you I went to smell the package of the one I'm using now to see if I hadn't been careful, but the truth is that it seemed to me to be quite correct.
It is true that in specialty coffees and smaller producers you can appreciate smells and flavors that are more complex, richer and with much more taste. That is really what makes Colombia so famous, but it would be difficult to find them in a supermarket.
I use the Oma to make Guayoyo filter coffee, as is said in Venezuela, and it is quite good for that purpose. I imagine that in an automatic espresso machine the flavor would be very powerful, I think the issue is in the brewing method. Just thinking about your experience, but it's only a thought.
Well, I think that what is important is that he had that nice gesture with you and found a way to give you a special souvenir with the money he had left. It is an experience for you to taste a different brand and know what things you don't like for future references hahaha.
In the market there was an employee of the brand who was in charge of recommending the styles of coffee depending on the taste of the person and she told him that this was the best selling coffee, even preferred by Colombians over more famous international brands.
I could try brewing it with a sleeve (cloth) and not in the greca machine or in the espresso machine to see if I can take better advantage of its flavor without it being so strong for me.
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Hazlo guayoyito a ver si te cuadra, colado sería buena opción o si no ponle un poco menos de cantidad a la Greca. Bueno qué cosas, espero que no vuelvan a ocurrirte decepciones así.