Mate, Mate, Mate! You're in mate land, shouldn't you be holding onto a cup of mate like it's the most precious liquid pale green gold? 😂
You drinking coffee tells me what your schedule is like. I feel deeply for you.
A cafe is a great place to watch people float by like fish in a fish bowl. Really glad you liked my shots and story. I think some of the sadness I'm experiencing about life must have come through to add that melancholic experience you mentioned.
Yes, replay the "movie", re-runs of good memories are warming times when needed.
Hugs to you too! 💙😉🐡
sighs..Oh boy it's 3:30 am and I should be asleep but no, I'm here awake bc #coffee and my schedule xddd
Yes, mate land, it shows I'm not argentinian right? 😆 ahahah I do think mate is nice during a very cold winter day but not at all the rest of the year xD so as summer is getting closer I want mate even less now hahah
Gotta keep swimming now 🐡💙 (n try to sleep lol)
LOL, wired on coffee and your schedule sounds far too familiar.
Yeah, I know, definitely not an Argentinian. I was mate indoctrinated by a Canadian, lol. That's so funny that you see it as a winter drink. It is a pick me up. I like it over coffee for that, but all year long.
You're always swimming in the deep waters and you do it so well. I have seen how that is many times. 😂 Hope your day goes well and smooth like a calm ocean.