☕Coffee and Soccer ☕ [Eng/Esp]

....English Version....

Coffee and Soccer. We entered the world of sports, where every time I am encouraged to enjoy any activity, I also enjoy a good cup of coffee. Now, I had in mind to watch a soccer game at home in comfort and as always in our country, the electric energy said goodbye to us, hahahahahaha. Well; tremendous stress, I had already prepared my snacks and among them a good thermos of black coffee to be consumed as the game progressed; however, I only had to put everything away and I was really a little upset by the situation that has generated this timely light.

Cover Edited in Canva

But as everything in life has a solution, I could not stay calm and wait for the power to come back on, so I said to myself, there is no other way but to go to a local and enjoy my soccer game, this situation was not going to break my spirits. So I got ready and went to Hatogrill supermarket, where one of their departments is precisely a cafeteria and they also have TV screens.

So I went to the place and sat at a table near the screen, so I could enjoy the soccer game as it should be. This place is very nice, has a good atmosphere and also has plenty of space for everyone who wants to enjoy its facilities. Before starting the game, the person who attended me gave me the menu, but at that moment I just wanted a black coffee well charged to continue calming the bad moment and so I asked for it.




With the coffee on my table; as always, it is served with sugar, but for some time now, for health reasons I have not consumed this ingredient that is so harmful to us. As I said, I wanted a black coffee well loaded and that's what I received, it really looked super black and I could only enjoy its color and that rich aroma that our coffee always has. And one thing I like about this place, is that they have coffee beans, ground and prepared instantly, what a treat.




Certainly, the day was getting better, because I was already in place to enjoy the game that was about to start; and on the other hand, I was enjoying my favorite coffee. Aroma, color and flavor, three elements that combined to calm my being and fill me with total energy. Well my friends, here I am enjoying my black coffee and I leave you because I am going to watch the game, hehehehehe; see you soon.




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Photos taken by me and Militza Núñez

Use of the Deepl translator to translate texts into English

....Versión En Español....

Café y Fútbol. Nos adentramos en el mundo del deporte, donde cada vez que me animo a disfrutar de cualquier actividad, también disfruto de una buena taza de café. Ahora, tenía en mente ver un juego de fútbol en casa bien cómodo y como siempre en nuestro país, la energía eléctrica se despidió de nosotros, jajajajaja. Bueno; tremendo estrés, ya tenía preparado mis snacks y entre ellos un buen termo de café negro para ir consumiendo a medida que iba avanzando el juego; sin embargo, solo quedaba guardar todo y de verdad que estaba un poco molesto por la situación que me ha generado esta luz tan oportuna.

Portada Editada en Canva

Pero como todo en la vida tiene solución, no podía quedarme tranquilo y esperar a que solo volviera la energía eléctrica; así que me dije, no queda de otra que ir a un local y disfrutar de mi partido de fútbol, esta situación no iba a quebrantar mis ánimos. Así que me preparé y me fui al supermercado hatogrill, donde uno de sus departamentos es precisamente una cafetería y también disponen de pantallas de televisión.

Así que fui al sitio y me ubiqué en una mesa cercana a la pantalla, para poder disfrutar del partido de fútbol como debe ser. Este sitio es muy agradable, tiene buen ambiente y además tiene mucho espacio para todos los que quieran disfrutar de sus instalaciones. Antes de iniciar el juego, la persona que me atendió me dió la carta, pero en ese momento solo quería un café negro bien cargado para continuar calmando el mal momento y así lo pedí.




Ya con el café en mi mesa; como siempre, lo dan con el azúcar, pero desde algún tiempo, por motivos de salud no consumo este ingrediente que tanto daño nos hace. Como dije, quería un café negro bien cargado y eso fue lo que recibí, de verdad que se veía súper negro y solo podía disfrutar de su color y ese rico aroma que siempre tiene nuestro café. Y una cosa que me gusta de este lugar, es que el café lo tienen en granos, es molido y preparado al instante, que ricura.




Ciertamente, el día estaba mejorando, porque ya estaba en el sitio para disfrutar el juego que estaba a punto de empezar; y por otro lado, estaba disfrutando de mi café preferido. Aroma, color y sabor, tres elementos que se combinaron para calmar mi ser y llenarme de total energía. Bueno mis amigos, aquí estoy disfrutando de mi café negro y los dejo porque voy a ver el juego, jejejeje; hasta pronto.




...Gracias Por Visitar...

20201127 20.12.01.png



Fotografías tomadas por mí y Militza Núñez

Use of the Deepl translator to translate texts into English

Posted Using INLEO


Al mal tiempo... solucionastes y disfrutaste del partido.
Conoci el lugar en diciembre y me gusto mucho. Sobre todo la atencion, unos chicos y chicas muy simpaticos.
Y la música en vivo

Jejeje, así es, ví mi partido y disfrute de una buena taza de mi café negro; ciertamente la atención es tenial. Un abrazo

 2 months ago  


The image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated in Canva.

Thanks for your support

A good coffee with its companions always makes us happy, even if the power is out, as is customary in Cumaná.

That's right, if the power goes out, we go somewhere else to enjoy, hehehehehe.

Hey buddy.

Thank God you were able to have a letter under the command and go enjoy two things in a good place

I love @hatogrill and their coffee is fabulous. How fine you had flavor and passion at the soccer game 🙌🙌🙌

Thank you for sharing your experience friend 😊😊😊

Nothing more my friend, my light bulb went on and I went to the herd. I could not stop watching that game and also enjoy my delicious coffee.

I don't usually drink coffee while watching a soccer game because I can spill it in fits and starts, especially if the opposing team scores a goal XD. However, I'm so glad you were able to enjoy yours while watching your team play.


Hehehehehehe, well that's true, they sing goal and the coffee spills hahaha. Enjoy the game and the cup of coffee, greetings brother.

I understand exactly what you share with us, in many occasions we want to enjoy something and the electric service does not accompany us as we want.
Thank goodness you had that option B and were able to enjoy a delicious coffee and the sport, I just hope your favorite team won.

That's right, option B was raised as a result of the situation, but as you say, it was both. Regards