Coffee with papaya pulp./Café con pulpa de papaya.

It is a pleasure to motivate you to drink a hot coffee with papaya pulp. The reasons that encourage me to make the mentioned process are because the preparation is very tasty and nutritious. In that sense, we must have at hand the amount of coffee of your preference, which once prepared, must be very hot and after the selected grams of papaya have been cut, they are crushed in a special equipment, leaving the mentioned vegetable as a pulp, which is added to the hot coffee. To the mentioned mixture, the amount of sugar is added to taste. I reiterate that this drink, besides being nutritious, is very tasty. I hope that by consuming the beverage in reference you will be able to verify what I express in the present publication; in this sense, I indicate the steps for you to elaborate such a distinguished coffee with papaya pulp.


For the preparation of a very hot coffee, mixed with papaya pulp, the following ingredients are required: 10 grams of coffee, 25 grams of papaya fruit, 30 cc of water and the amount of sugar of your preference.



The preparation process begins; heating the amount of water in the kitchen, for this purpose a container is placed on the stove of the mentioned machine, adding the liquid in reference and the coffee of your preference until it boils, in a practical modality for its preparation. Slowly in a strainer, the amount of coffee previously made is added, perceiving its aroma, as we add it to the selected cup, waiting for it to brew and add the papaya pulp.





We proceed to remove the shell of the papaya, cutting it into small pieces, with the purpose of adding them in a special container, to prepare the pulp, so that later this product can be added to the elaborated coffee.






Next, we add in the cup where the hot coffee is, the papaya pulp, in the same way, the amount of grams of sugar to taste, so that later we can stir our tasty and nutritious preparation. In particular I am one of those who drink coffee without sugar, for this reason I always express that this product is added to taste and in this preparation the minimum would be required, since papaya is generally sweet.





It is propitious the occasion to request your permission, because I am going to taste the drink made of hot coffee with papaya pulp, which is very tasty and nutritious, confirming what is expressed in this publication.



Friends, I hope you can make the beverage described, and see how tasty and nutritious it is. As always, I thank you for your receptivity and continuous visits, in that sense, I subscribe to you, with much affection. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz from the city of Cumaná in the state of Sucre-Venezuela.

The images were taken by Nancy de Rojas with my Samsung Galaxy A10s cell phone and the publication is my own.


Es un grato placer motivarlos, para que tomen un café caliente con pulpa de papaya. Las razones que me animan para que realicen el citado proceso, son por ser la comentada preparación muy sabrosa y nutritiva. En ese sentido, debemos tener a la mano la cantidad de café de su preferencia, el cual una vez preparado, debe quedar bien caliente y luego que se hayan cortados los gramos de papaya seleccionados, se trituran en un equipo especial, quedando el citado vegetal como una pulpa, la cual se añade al café caliente. A la mencionada mezcla, se agrega la cantidad de azúcar al gusto. Les reitero que la bebida comentada, además de ser nutritiva, es muy sabrosa. Estimados, espero que al consumir la bebida en referencia puedan comprobar lo que expreso en la presente publicación; en ese sentido, les indico los pasos para que elaboren, tan distinguido café con pulpa de papaya.


Se requieren para la preparación de un café bien caliente, mezclado con pulpa de papaya, los siguientes alimentos; 10 grs de café, 25 grs del fruto papaya, 30 cc de agua y la cantidad al gusto de azúcar de su preferencia.



Se inicia el proceso de preparación; calentando la cantidad de agua en la cocina, para ello se coloca un envase en la hornilla de la citada máquina, añadiendo el líquido en referencia y del café de su preferencia hasta que hierva, en una práctica modalidad para su preparación. Lentamente en un colador, se va agregando la cantidad de café hecho anteriormente, percibiendo su aroma, a medida que lo vamos añadiendo en la taza seleccionada, esperando que se elabore y añada la pulpa de papaya.





Procedemos a quitar la concha de la papaya, realizando sus cortes en pequeños trozos, con la finalidad de ser añadidos en un envase especial, para preparar la pulpa, para que posteriormente este producto, sea agregado al café elaborado.






Seguidamente, agregamos en la taza donde se encuentra el café caliente, la pulpa de papaya, de igual manera, la cantidad de gramos de azúcar al gusto, para que posteriormente podamos remover nuestra sabrosa y nutritiva preparación. En lo particular soy de los que beben café sin azúcar, por ello siempre expreso que este producto se añade al gusto y en esta elaboración se requeriría lo mínimo, por cuanto la papaya generalmente es dulce.





Es propicia la ocasión para solicitar su permiso, motivado a que voy a degustar la bebida elaborada de café caliente con pulpa de papaya, la cual es muy sabrosa y nutritiva, confirmando lo expresado en la presente publicación.



Amigos, espero puedan realizar la bebida descrita, comprobando lo sabrosa y nutritiva que es. Como siempre se les agradece su receptividad y continuas visitas, en tal sentido, me suscribo a ustedes, con mucho afecto. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz desde la ciudad de Cumaná en el estado Sucre-Venezuela.

Las imágenes fueron tomadas por Nancy de Rojas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A10s y la publicación es de mi autoría.


 2 days ago  

I'm always surprised by these (to me) unusual combinations - like papaya and coffee, I wouldn't have thought to try that, though reading your post, I gotta say I'm a little curious. I might try it out sometime when I find a papaya on sale here :D

It is a very tasty and nutritious combination. When you try it, let me know how it turns out. Best regards.

 2 days ago  

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by:)

The image belongs to millycf1976.

Thanks to you for motivating us to be creative, with the combinations we make, always with coffee. Best of luck.

Vaya, es la primera vez que veo esta mezcla. Lo felicito, mi profe por traernos estas referencias de tomar café. Un abrazo lleno de cariño 🪻🌺🌹💐

Lots of love to you too. It is a very tasty combination. Hugs
Muchos cariños también para ti. Es una combinación muy sabrosa. Abrazos

That coffee with papaya pulp looks extremely delicious, it has motivated me to prepare it and taste it to confirm its exquisiteness and nutritiousness. Besides the fact that it requires few ingredients, its process is quick and simple.

Thank you, prepare it and you will see how tasty it is. Thank you for your visit. I wish you success. God bless you.

Greetings my dear Omar; this combination looks very appetizing and beneficial for our health. Hugs

I hope you will make it and taste its exquisite flavor and effective nutritional value. Thank you for your nice visit. Best regards.

This sounds like a delicious and unique coffee recipe,@omarrojas!I love the idea of combining the richness of coffee with the sweetness and nutritional benefits of papaya.Your detailed instructions make it easy to follow,and I appreciate your passion for this drink.I'm definitely going to try it out!

I like the way to consider positively my combination of coffee with papaya and they are creativities that are very good for health. Thank you for your kind visit. Best wishes.

It's clear that your creativity and passion for healthy drinks are shining through.Keep up the good work!

Because health always comes first, especially for hivers. Thank you for your nice comment.

Yes thats right health is wealth.

I had never heard about this combination and I find it fascinating.
Papaya is a fruit that contains many properties, vitamins and minerals which gives an added value to your recipe.
Thanks for sharing.
Happy day.
Cheers and best regards.

Nunca había escuchado sobre esta combinación y me parece fascinante.
La papaya es una fruta que contiene muchas propiedades, vitaminas y minerales lo que le da un valor agregado a su receta.
Gracias por compartir.
Feliz jornada.
Salud y saludos.

It is very true, papaya is a very tasty fruit and contains many vitamins, added to coffee I could check the good taste of the referred combination and logically it is a very special drink. Thank you for your visit

Es muy cierto, la papaya es un fruto muy sabroso y contiene muchas vitaminas, añadida al café pude comprobar el buen sabor de la referida combinación y lógicamente es una bebida muy especial. Gracias por su visita.

Feliz jornada hermano. Salud y saludos

Papaya is an underrated fruit. I guess for many people it seems an unusual fruit but it has some wonderful benefits such as for aiding digestion. My grandma used to tell us to eat ripe papaya if we had constipation (thankfully it worked for me). Interestingly, it is my first time to hear combining coffee and papaya as beverage. It hasn't even crossed my mind, but as evident in this post, then it must be good. I would love to see if it works for me too. Thank you for sharing this unique combination.

This coffee with papaya pulp is excellent, it really does provide energy. Good preparation

I have never had coffee with papaya, but seeing your post, I could venture to try it, besides as you indicate it is nutritious and tastes delicious, thanks for sharing your recipe 🤗🥰

My dear friend, coffee with papaya is a tasty and nutritious combination, even better than those who drink coffee with lots of sugar, because with papaya it is more nutritious and good for the body. Thank you, your visits are always comforting. Hugs

i would never think to make that, but it looks like it could be quite good.

It is an excellent combination, instead of adding sugar, make it and papaya and check its good taste and logically its high degree of nutrition. Thank you for your visit.