so I needed it to remain hot.
You and me both!!! lolol I used to detest drinking out of the metal lined insulated cups, but now I am used to it and actually use it even when I am at home. I have a larger one (pictured in the post) for work and a smaller one I use at home. I still love a really heavy ceramic mug from time to time, especially if I'm drinking Irish Breakfast Tea or at a restaurant.
Oh, wow! How did I not know that there is an Irish Breakfast tea?! I wonder what's the main difference in taste compared to the English one? Now you have me very curious.
It may just be psychosomatic, but it feels much stronger to me. I used to by the Twinnings bags, but now I'm lazy and buy the Twinnings kcups...lololol
Lol! Ok, that's fair enough.
I don't drink tea much anymore, however, need to remind myself to go for the tea option whenever I am visiting someone here in the UK. Otherwise, it will be a cup of instant coffee!
...and I have to be polite and pretend to like it :(