Read all of the post with wide smile and curiocity. Loved the story from your childhood, the teapot with kitties, the pics... Roiboos tea is what I was pretty much into, at some point. I love its sweetness!
I HATED living in winter!
I do understand you so much! with all my heart...
Staying hydrated when living in hot tropical climates is a priority
That is certainly true and sure more important in tropical climate; but on another hand... a large chunk of diseases comes from hydration, actually... provide your body more moisture (internally) and it will bloom! our bodies are mostly the water, hehe. And not necessarily it should be exactly the tea! Trivial water is pretty much the best option 😏
Now I am going back to creating my own blog... I already started it, and took all the pics... 😁 hope will be able to finish it before the timeline 😘😘
Thanks for your lovely reply 😊
Yes, tea is NOT the best option for staying hydrated, and it's not good for me because it affects the absorption of iron in the body. I wish I'd known these things to tell my mum when I was a little girl. 🤣
I'm looking forward to reading your post 😍
I almost can imagine that!!!
You: "I'm not feeling well."
Mom: "Did you drink your tea?"
You: "No, it's not good for me because it affects the absorption of iron in the body".
🤣 🤣 🤣
🤣 You know!...
There was always a calamity at the dining table.
I was so picky and preferred to starve than to eat something I didn't like.🙃