Hello there. Today I visited finally this coffee shop in Havana, called Cafezillo (we can translate that
as "little coffee"). Is located near the Malecón, in Vedado. Exact address is in the corner of 3rd and 4th street. We ordered two mocha coffee, because we are having cold days here. Great mix of flavours, didn't needed sugar because at the end it had a sweet taste.
After that i ordered a cappuccino, that needed a kittle spoon of sugar. And a croissant, with nutella and fruits, in this case banana. It was hot, soft and very balanced in the flavours.
Had an amazing time with my coworker, talking about a lot of topics and trying to fix the world. I don't know if we can do that, but at least we get a good mood after the talk. Amazing afternoon and place.
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