Coffee and Chocolate-The Perfect Valentine 💞

☕Hello dearest coffee lovers☕

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day 💞 Do you have a Valentine?

I don't, so I decided to make one. You might be wondering what I'm talking about so I'll explain myself just about now.

I have never celebrated a Valentine's Day, the one that came close was several years ago when I still had a boyfriend, but we couldn't celebrate it exactly the day so the plan was for the following weekend, and he forgot. I got the gift and got dolled up and everything just for the occasion, and he just forgot. After that, I just celebrate love for my family and friends with cute messages and food, which is my favorite way to say I love you 💓.

So, true to my tradition, and taking advantage of my love for coffee and food, I made today a Moka Marquise for me, my sister Gigi and my Mom (hers is presented in a different, more special way). It's a very good companion and a very simple recipe, very quick and so delicious! So much, that you wouldn't want to share with anyone.


The basic recipe for this dessert is with Chocolate Pastry Cream and Maria Cookies soaked in milk or coffee. This time I made it with cookie crumbs and a deep flavored Coffee Chocolate Cream, or Moka Cream. It was cheaper and less messier, and the result was awesome.

Let's go to the recipe 💞

For the Moka Cream

1Cup of very strong freshly brewed Coffee
3/4 of a Cup of Caster Sugar
1/4 of a Cup of Powder Milk
1/8 of a Cup of Cocoa Powder
3 tablespoons of Corn Starch.
1 teaspoon of Vanilla Essence.
50grms of Dark Chocolate.


For this you take a pot and add everything in it except the dark chocolate. Give it a stir and take it to the stove at medium high, until it has a thick consistency. At this point add the dark chocolate and keep stirring until it melts completely. Set it aside.


For the Cookie Crumbs

1 and a half Cups of All Purpose Flour
Half a Cup of Caster Sugar.
80 grams of butter.
1 teaspoon of Vanilla Essence.


Toast the flour in a big pan at low heat. Always stir to avoid burning it. While thats happening, melt the butter with the sugar and vanilla. When the flour is brown, turn off the heat and add the melted butter and mix it up until you have loose crumbs.

The assembly.

I used a refractory recipient, 15cm diameter 8cm high. You want to have layers of this starting with the Cookie crumbs. For the first layer you press it down with a spoon or your fingers.


Then add a layer of the Moka Cream and I added some chopped dark chocolate.


Keep doing this and finish with a layer of cream and decorate to taste. I used some Dark Chocolate and cookies.


Mom got a special cup, because she's mom and she's awesome. I used a small wine glass, and the procedure is the same. Take a look at those pretty layers.


Now, it was supposed to be for tomorrow, since the layers have to set very well. Mom couldn't wait and well...


The deep rich flavor of the coffee is very well present, and it's lover, the chocolate, just complement the whole assembly. Every mouth full of this dessert is heaven, and take my word for it, it says I love you better than words.


That's it folk's, see you next time!

✨✨ Blessings ✨✨


The images are all mine and taken with a Techno Spark 6Go.

The Gif Banner was made by me using Canva.

 3 years ago  

I hope you'll enjoy this Valentine's Day regardless of everything else:)Hello @rebeysa85, a nice-looking recipe that looks like it would be good for that occasional treat. It looks very sweet, and I'm not big on chocolate, so maybe I would find this one too rich.

Hi dear! It is very rich but good for sharing one bite at a time haha. Coffee and Chocolate are my favorite pair, even if it gets too overwhelming sometimes. Happy Valentine's Day for you too 💕💕

Oh Rebeca!
You forgot me againnnn🤣🤣🤣
This looks absolutely heavenly, I would swap the boobs for this😋😋

I didn't forget you darling, how could I? Remember, yours will be always a special batch just for you. Umm the boob thing, I think you'd enjoy more with both haha

jeje Oh I hope no forgetting mi corazón! I like having my special batch and the boob thing, I would enjoy more with both, you mean the coffee and chocolate?

Hahaha yes, coffee and chocolate 😉

hehe I love it😋

 3 years ago  

Wow! I love it! Thank you times 1000!! 💕☕