My coffee adventures: moments that become good memories.

Hello, community of coffee drinkers. We know that those of us who like coffee in superlative order, are always on the hunt for new proposals, combinations that we like, preparation alternatives and all the new options when it comes to coffee.


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It was going to be just another day at the supermarket. In and out, as always. In a hurry, after a long day of work and late in the afternoon, to buy some last-minute things I needed at home. In general, supermarkets in Cumaná are not big, so shopping is relatively quick. Still, there is not as much variety of products as you see in other countries.

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So when I saw this coffee, I couldn't pass it up. It's been a while since I've seen instant coffee here. You can get instant black coffee; but not with a milk mix. So I decided to buy it. Without giving much importance to the fact that it was a purchase that was not in my budget at that time; but when it comes to coffee, those are unimportant details.

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Very good price. At that time I was thinking of making it when I got home. Rest just for a moment and enjoy the content that that can promised, so light but loaded with a flavor that I wanted to discover.

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I'll tell you that it's very simple to prepare. Basically, you boil water and add the amount of your preference. We added vinegar and cinnamon…I tell you…It's amazing! The delicate aroma permeates the space and the flavor immediately ignites the neurons and spreads throughout the palate. A truly unique experience!


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It opens easily. When I opened the can, I immediately smelled the aroma of its contents. When I open a can of coffee, it always brings back good memories. When I moved into my house, I had bought a can of ground coffee Madrid a few years earlier because I said I was going to inaugurate that moment with coffee...and so it was. I remember that my mom, my dad and my brothers were there. I opened the can of coffee and put it on the fire in a small Greka coffee maker. So I had to put several coffee makers because in my family we are all good coffee drinkers.

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Coffee has always been part of the best moments. So drinking this Nescafé with my son is also part of them. We enjoyed that moment and I'm sure we'll continue to do so as the contents of the can run out... but by then I'm already planning to buy another one.

It's been a pleasure to write about these moments. Thanks to @cinnccf for these opportunities.


All the photos were taken with my Redmi11 phone and some were edited in PowerPoint. The translation was done with Google.


"So I decided to buy it. Without giving much importance to the fact that it was a purchase that was not in my budget at that time; but when it comes to coffee, those are unimportant details." I loved that words. 😁

 3 months ago  

I was a little confused by the use of vinegar, but I'm guessing from the photo that was just a typo and you meant vanilla (seems to belong in coffee a lot more!) :D I've seen some of these instant flavor mixes around, but never knew what to make of them :)

Would you like some instant noodles to go with your instant coffee.png

Thanks, for commentingIt's vanilla, @honeydue It goes very well with coffee.

 3 months ago  

Thank you for stopping by. See you again soon:)

The Coolest.gif

Hi, @sandracabrera. I have long wanted to buy a nescafé to make a preparation of those special and the truth is that I have not seen it in supermarkets that I usually visit, I'll see if I find this that you present and recommend giving me the pleasure. Greetings. 😊

Sometimes we have to give ourselves that space to please ourselves.
I hope you get it and can prepare everything that your imagination allows.
The truth is that this coffee ☕ is excellent. You will not regret it.
greetings @damarysvibra